
Cell phones. Specifically, the advent of cheaper, more widely-available cell phones. I grew up in a time when nobody had them, and now everybody has them. Meaning that in most circumstances, you are just a phone call away from anyone. It changed the way we make long-distance calls, it allowed us to send brief

I wonder what would happen if Michelle Rodriguez and Sean Bean ever co-starred in a movie together. How would it get to Act 2?

Venom V Carnage: Dawn Of Desperation?

Maybe they could put a "V." in between the two words. If DC did it, it has to be good, right?

What a stupid article. You talk about not flagrantly breaking as opposed to what, sheepishly breaking the law? You qualify your behavior by explaining that you were traveling almost 40 miles over the speed limit on a country road as if this makes it a reasonable thing to do. You talk incredulously about being sent

When Eowyn kills the Witch King in Return of the King. I still get goosebumps and I've seen that scene about 1000 times.

The first book in the series "The Real Story" was painful to get through. Not that it was bad, just... brutal. The subsequent books manage to utterly flip your perception of the characters. Hero/Villain/Victim - everyone takes a turn.

So, for those keeping track at home: Hobby Lobby cares deeply about protecting the unborn when it comes to denying women contraception coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Hobby Lobby does not care deeply about protecting the unborn when it comes to ensuring that mothers are capable of providing for their new

Ultron searches the web and learns about vibranium.

Ponch sure takes some nice photos.

Loved this Xena: Warrior Princess cosplay.

Batgirl has perfected Batmans "tired of your shit" face

I think that's the joke - the "new costume" Supergirl made is actually her old one.

I say that we all start voting third party. Even if we can't unseat the Ds and Rs, let's at least make them legitimately uncomfortable so they can maybe start coming back to planet Earth.

I think I'm one of the few that liked Andromeda.