
I also don’t see anything in this article dealing with temp agencies. When I worked for them, most expected you to be at the employer facility 15 mins to a 30 mins before the shift to sign in on the agencies sheet before they would decide if you could work that day,with the added bonus that if too many show up  you

I “lived” in Fresno for a few years at the end of the eighties and when I talk about it I always refer to a Fresno Bee edition in which the above the fold headline was “25 million dollar city hall and courthouse grand opening” and in the column next to it “Due to lack of funding city is closing parks and shutting off

I have a broken touchpad,so I use a mouse,before, I could uninstall the software and block the updates for it. Then after several years of no issues MS decided to change that and make it available for updates again. They fixed that by making me download a program from their website to hid updates I didn’t want. Since

I watched the first ep thinking let’s see how bad this is and instead it has become one of my must watch immediately shows. It is solid and well done entertainment.

It makes me wonder if the people replying to you have ever worked before. While calling these people out may give her a temporary feeling of relief ,in the long term you are better off pushing for equality for all then making personal attacks. It’s not sexist to think that people doing the hiring for future gigs might

Oh the irony, for 10 years as one crisis after another has hit American citizens the dems have stood in front of the cameras bemoaning that there was nothing they could do because they didn’t have the votes to help. Then in the last year they have twice threatened to shut down the government and even walked hand in

Me too,I think there was a case where they agreed that your thumb was the equivalent of using a key you had on you to open a lock, but asking you to give them a pass code was covered by the 5th amendment.

Should have been mentioned in the article that just last year in Dallas the police used a observation/bombsquad robot to blow up a shooter that was holed up in an area they couldn’t shoot at.

This was what the Civil Rights fight was all about, the right to be just as racist as any redneck. Your ignorant racists screeds are no more helpful than the KKK’s

I vote we start referring to it a windows 10:vista edition. 

Brought to you by Univision: hispanic Pravda. Is a pro South America/anti USA news organisation any better for us?

Everytime I see one of these Univision clickbait articles about this I think,as an American citizen if I packed a couple backpacks, grabbed some cash, bottled water and my kids and hit the road to walk one or two states over with no guarantee of food or shelter during the trip and someone found out I think you could

you can dismiss my comment all you like but that won’t make monty’s linked article any better. Monty’s fix dose not work and I am trying to share info to see if others are having the same issues and maybe has a fix. That is what these bloges used to be for,building and helping the community.

This no longer works, this is pointed out in the article’s own comments. That’s what I get for getting my hopes up. Yes,I still tried it. I have disabled cortana in every way I can find. The anniversary update borked my bluetooth headset,and if I get too far away I lose audio sync with the video I am watching. I could

Maybe you can help me with an Outlook Mail problem,for years I have had my facebook notifications go to my junk folder,just where I wanted them. About a month ago outlook decided to move them to my inbox and no matter how many times I move them to my junk folder outlook keeps moving them back. I know I could just

Tom has already dismissed three of my comments pointing this out,Tom is a fact free fake news kind of guy.

Author dismissed my comment that this ass doesn’t even appear to have any videos posted to youtube.

Literally just finished watching a reputable youtuber video in which he points out that this guy doesn’t appear to have ever posted a video to youtube but mainstream media is pushing this as a look how shitty the people on youtube are. You should be embarrassed and ashamed if that’s true.

So you are seriously saying that you believe that Trump and his lackeys created a facility to house transgender immigrants. You think people who you believe are racist homophobes would spend money on this,really? These existed during the Obama years,but that was different right. Just like the immigrant child custody