
I like to think that the director and producers went to the artists to tell them that they had to change the design, only for all of them to look at them with eyes of disdain that screamed “we fucking told you!”

waaaaaaaaaaaiit... Epic lifting elements from other games to make their own better? Why does that sound... familiar....

QQ more Ethan.

There are already some articles on sites like Comicbook.com and ANN about the false rape claim in the 1st episode:

PUBG seems ripe for the kind of edited television presentation that made poker blow up on ESPN about 10 years ago. Trimming the fat and interspersing gameplay with info about strategy, background on players, and then focusing on the last ~5-10 players once the circle tightens could be a really interesting viewing

Meh - I didn’t read the article. I glanced at the first sentence, clicked a link and moved on.

It robs him of any high ground? Even if the other spouse is abusive prior to the infidelity, all the blame lands on the one who cheats? Context always matters, its not always as cut and dry as “he broke the rules, he’s in the wrong”

You thought it was getting released before this?

Okay, okay. Hold on. The post you’re referring to did not call for game developers to “take a game option away from everyone.” It was a trend piece. I noticed that two big new Ubisoft games (ACO and FC5) both had compasses in place of minimaps, and saw that as a possible sign that more open-world games in the future

Hey now.

good lord, someone is spamming up kotaku with nostalgia!

In Pocket Camp, where the timers are very visible, I feel like I’m being taunted.

All I want is a laptop SSD and a decent sub-$300 40" TV!

All I want is a laptop SSD and a decent sub-$300 40" TV!

pc peasents! a nice comparison at the end would have made a great thread. but as always is the own opinion is in the text. i own a nice gaming pc and played skyrim with mods.....beautiful. but i would say:
pc with mods-the most beautiful
switch- the most portable
ps4 vr- the best immersion
normal ps4/xbox version- the

Which version do you think is the best? (Hint: PC.)

To be fair, that icon is fantastic.

Yep, I started grade school in 1992 and it was already a thing.

That verse was alive and well in the 90s