
Or just buy everything that exists for euiv this week on humble for 17 bucks.

Dude, pare, ano ang panalong mo

Let’s just call them all RPGs from now on.

Probably Imperator Rome,Some Rust, some Riichii Mahjong, and Black Desert ONline

sadly I can’t attest to this, but I can say positioning multipliers are in effect , but no tab targeting.

Now playing

no one I know plays that close up. Here is a vid of some high level ninja 1v1 action to give you a better feeling. Though this is PC. how people play on xbox I doubt it will be different other than controller vs keyboard/mouse .

ceremonial start is in Anchorage. The real start is else where.

QQ more Ethan.

Beta is original Calpheon only stuff.

Spot taken.

I prefer this over terrible loot boxes.

Top 10 anime betrayals.

Cecilia ; their are NPCs on both sides of these debacles. Being mad for stuff like some of these people below or above this comment. Being angry going off of 1 source without listening to both sides and having a conscious decision is what will make people PCs instead of NPCs whom only follow this outrage culture trash.

You’re right everyone is a special snowflake.

My bad, I thought Natane was a guys name and I only read the first paragraph that didn’t specify the gender and assumed. Good on her.

>.> is 10K commotion becoming a movie?

He’s got really soft features that don’t match the very sharp look of Sephiroth , but good on him.

Cross play has been active for a while for FFXIVARR , Tekken7, and SFV.

All I think about is that controller and fighting Sans...

Magna Cum Laude has it beat.