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But all the sports-knowers are still pickings the Raptors/76ers/Celtics to make the Finals. You can jump on and be ahead of the bandwagon as long as you do it before the end of the first round.

Stop ignoring me. Choose the Bucks.

Should have picked the Bucks

The easiest shopping experiences in my life happen during Steelers games, as the store is still full of employees to deal with the usual Sunday-morning-post-church rush, but almost no actual customers.

Curt Schilling told him he should have been wearing socks

“Most exciting player to watch”

I was at the game. His performance was actually a blast. Don’t let my warming up distract you from that. Shitty cellphone videos and isolated audio tracks dont tell the whole story. 

Having lived in both places, this is a bad take. 

Seriously. The 76ers got better, but so did the Bucks, and the 76ers are still 6.5 games back.

He’s good, trust me!

You should also mention that he hasn’t played in the majors since 2016.

I’m still the MVP favorite, and if you disagree feel free to stand near the baseline while PJ Tucker guards me

if he were in any other industry, he’d have the choice to do so” 1) That’s not true, and 2) he actually is allowed to make money playing football right now if he wants.

You don’t have to comment if you don’t have any good material

There’s no other proper word besides ‘collusion’ for that.”

If you’re willing to accept Forbes as a reliable source (I assume it is but may be wrong), the Yankees had $619,ooo,ooo in revenue last season. 19 teams (most of the league) had $311,000,000 or less. So getting it wrong on a big deal is crippling for a lower-revenue franchise, and some are very risk-averse. The

I agree. I also get Burneko’s point, but he’s also about 1/10th of the basketblogger that Zach Lowe is.

I know Lloyd Waner doesn’t really belong, but he played with his brother on the Pirates for 13 seasons, and that’s pretty cool. I’m not going to fact check myself, but I bet that’s a record for the longest tenured brother-teammates. 

You’re obviously biased, but I agree with you