
I know the Penguins (and presumably other franchises) at least used to have a program called “Student Rush” where anyone who showed up with a student ID could get an unsold ticket for $20. You could end up with really good seats this way. Not sure how they determined who got what seat. My lone time doing this was in

My wife and I were driving around the country from the week before through the day after. We had no idea what the sport was when we landed, and still barely understand it, but listening to the radio for a week was enough to get us very excited to check in on the replay when it happened.

It’s top 24 Americans, not top 24 NBA players. I agree with you that he’s not in the top 24 in the NBA.

Eligible people undeniably in the top 24 (KD and Klay excluded bc they can’t play) 

Are you suggesting he SHOULD prohibit the holdouts from playing in the Olympics? That’s dumb. NBA player’s don’t want to risk tens of millions by playing in a tournament most Americans don’t care about that’s at least 12 time zones different than what they are used to.

It was Pittsburgh, not Philly. 

Do you ever read Leitch articles on MLB.Com? Everyone I see is a click-bait listicle. 

TBF, Aikman doesn’t deserve to be in the HOF

Or baseball team

It’s a good deal, but fuck amazon

It’s a good deal, but fuck amazon

ESPN’s terrible split-screen view that didn’t actually show the homeruns made it a pretty shitty watching experience. 

“Bell is up to 25 home runs on the season, by far the most of his MLB career.” 

I’d never sign with the Knicks

Sign the petition!

The Mets were in the World Series 4 years ago. The Lions have never been to a Super Bowl.

Yeah you’re a dick if you let your dog run loose through the neighborhood. 

I made the mistake once during an indoor 5k, but pretty different circumstances with 25 laps of about 40 seconds each.

You’re making too big of a deal about this. Don’t make a mountain out of a Cahill

Does anyone enjoy spending time with you?