I am fast and strong but nice

I wish!

It's been decades. You think think they would have figured it out by now.

Oh, the trailer is perfectly fine. I just like being angry about stuff all the time!

Hey, I do what I can.

If I had a son and he had his penis sawn off, that would be terrible. But if my daughter had her penis sawn off in order to rectify the fact that her sex doesn't conform to her gender? I don't know, sounds good to me.

Sure. I would be.

I was thinking the same thing! I had no idea they've been on for so long. I would have guessed 5 years at most.

I don't even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack.

Better luck next time, Mike. It's gonna take more to impress this guy.

I've always had them around, so it had to be pointed out to me how weird the name is. I guess it's basically like a restaurant called Carl's had a baby and named it after itself. Carl's Jr.

Celine Dion. I guess.

Getting faster. Getting stronger.

I'd also like to know, but I imagine we'll all be long dead by the time that happens.

No, he's awesome! Gosh, I just think he's the greatest! So awesome!

It could be anything! Or, well, I guess not "anything"…

It depends on how you feel about a gorilla killing bees, vultures, and, uh, anthropomorphic crocodile things.

I'm playing Donkey Kong Country. I just threw a barrel at a bee. More information as it becomes available.

See, this is cool. Presidents should go back to saying cool smart guy things that make me think thoughts good.

Oh, so… so you're not happy to see me. :\

I would only want Trump Pizza anyway. It's the best pizza. All other pizzas are for losers.