I am fast and strong but nice

Massive Head Wound Marshmallow Mad Burger

How is it so hot and cold at the same time? I hate it!

Pssh, comparing the two is ridiculous. Ghostbusters had a WAY catchier theme song.

I would say that you are right, given what Dan Aykroyd said and the way in which some people reacted. Good call, Agog.

I hope it stars Gregory Peck. I'll see him in anything.

No, wait, come back here! I want to yell at you! I want to yell at everybody!


How do you feel about midnight tokers?

I m m i g r a n t s are just like immigrants except they take up more room.

Aw man, but they even asked you nicely not to do it. Those hand prints are going to drive me crazy!

And The Sgt. Slaughter Show

It will either get picked up for 4 years, 8 years, or not at all.

Sadly, making fun of the album never coming out was more enjoyable than the album itself.

You can say it wherever you want, even in the middle RIP Gary Shandling of a completely different sentence.

These politicians like to have fun. I like to have fun. These politicians are just like me!

Hey, people don't want to just watch celebrities lip sync. They also want to watch them play other stupid games.

I would definitely say you're right, Dildo Baggins. I have no particular interest in this new service which is being offered by Fandango.

Thank you. I was getting pretty worried there.


These things just happen sometimes, man. I understand.