
No job prepares one for being POTUS. None. For decades, otherwise reasonable people went around publicly admitting their idiocy by comparing governing to being successful in business, even though the two things are mutually exclusive.

As is mentioned below, the only “experience” you need to run for POTUS is to be 35

I agree. More state or congressional experience would be nice, but essentially he’s ready for national politics. He’s very intelligent and very capable, and he’s made the best calculation to situate himself regardless whether he wins the nomination. I do not think he’s running for prez just for this reason. He does

State senate is a step down from mayor of a mid-size city. Why should he backtrack his career?

If Liz Warren had stayed in Oklahoma she’d never have achieved federal office. If Bernie had moved to Tennessee instead of Vermont after his activist days he’d never have been a rep or a senator. If Joe Biden had been born in

Aside from all that, let’s just vote for the person that can beat Trump”

Once you achieve perfect clairvoyance that allows you to know exactly which candidates will beat Trump and which ones will lose to him, you can vote this way.

Until that moment, you’re sacrificing principles that are important to you based on your

So you’d prefer a popular Democratic from a Blue state that has won their state (and will vote for a Democrat no matter what) than someone who hasn’t won their Red state and might have some ability to win it or flip that state?

The problem with Buttigieg’s proposal is that it ignores why the Court became politicized, which is explicitly that Republicans politicized it because they didn’t like the decisions it made. While I don’t think Harris or Warren’s plans are any long term solution, I do feel they at least understand the problem, and

I’ve no idea which Democrat I’m going to vote for. But my nearly 70 year old Republican father stunned me with this comment, “I really like Mayor Pete.”

So like Obama then?

Sure, and I completely agree. Never said that the bad parts shouldn’t be shown fully to the public—I just want a factual, nuanced look at the candidates.

as a resident of south bend i think he’s done a great job of modernizing the city by attracting tech industries and revitalizing downtown. south bend is so much different than it was 10 years ago, and the trajectory is pointing up. i find it interesting that so many people, many of whom probably have never even

this was not ‘done in the name of gentrification’. it was done so that the land being occupied by unlivable buildings could instead be used to build safe, affordable housing or public amenities. i’m also not seeing any data pointing to these homes mostly being owned by minorities.

The SCOTUS plan makes things worse, essentially shortening the bench to the five swing justices. Explicitly linking the other 10 seats to political parties is NOT going to help. Also if he paid attention he’d notice that justices surprise with their rulings all the time. Roberts saved Obamacare’s bacon right out of

I dont really have any patience for those who think we can’t have a reasonable discussion about candidates during a primary. We cant have all 50 of them on the ticket come election day. We gotta pick one. So let’s talk it out.

I really like him and hope that he can use this to get some momentum for a House or Senate run (at the very least, he’d be an improvement on Evan Bayh or Joe Donnelly.)

I don’t know who the hell is pure enough for Esther. Eleanor Roosevelt could rise from her grave in Hyde Park and fault would be found. There are so many willful misrepresentations of Pete’s positions and experience here (like someone’s first job out of grad school makes him responsible for what a behemoth like

  • BA, Philosophy/Politics/Economics, Oxford University

I don’t really have any patience for this right now. Every single candidate on the Dem side, including freaking Tulsi Gabbard, is an incalculable improvement over Trump, who’s not only the worst president in US history but one of the worst leaders of a country in, at least, modern history. We can get back to our usual

This is false. Under is plan around 600 vacant and abandoned houses were demolished and around 400 houses were repaired. No resident of these neighborhoods were pushed out of their houses. Homes are very affordable in South Bend. Too affordable even ($30,000 -$40,000 for some and mansions cost like $80,000). Banks

Oh, do shut up with your condescending nonsense.

Far be it from me to talk back to the “adult in the room” and the “grown up” but do you really believe the stuff you’re saying because you have been rendered clueless by privilege or is this just concern-trolling? Feels like the latter but in the event that your comments are sincere (while at the same time managing