
In all this internet bitching and moaning over a bunch of bullshit perceptions about how a show that never promised us a satisfying ending would wind up, this is the only truly valid gripe I’ve seen on the whole damn world wide web.

Can any of the “Dany going mad was inevitable and earned” crowd explain what the point was of 7 seasons of building empathy for the innocent as her fundamental character trait only to have her suddenly go crazy and start killing the smallfolk instead of just burning cersei in her tower?

I think it will all end by going in a perfect circle: Dany will be the Mad Targ on the throne who burns any perceived threats out of paranoia. Meanwhile, all those little notes that Varys sent around the kingdom before he died will give rise to a new Robert’s Rebellion, with Gendry and the other lords backing the

I fucking hated that Jaimie ran back to her, whole arc wasted. Also where was Brienne, Was her arc just up until Jaimie ditched her? Jesus just give her a heroic last stand at Winterfell.

Agree on both counts. I was focusing on Cersei, but now I’m EXTRA PISSED that they had Brienne sleep with Jamie. Such bullshit to mess around with her and that relationship like that.

Totally, and it also doesn’t establish the scorpions as pinpoint accurate dragon killers in one episode, and useless trash the next!

I read a book to my six-year old every night at bedtime. Sometimes he’s not all that attentive, and I realize I’m really just reading out loud to no one, so I skip a few pages ‘cause he’ll never notice. This is basically how the last two seasons of GoT has played out:

I HATE that they took a character who grew from an underestimated small player—moving pieces behind the scenes—to a ruthless leader and ended with her crying about her unborn child. The writers have always relied on her relationship to her children to humanize her and to develop her character, which is such a naive

“This show has been anything but predictable and last week was spent going ‘no… it couldn’t just be that they’re making her crazy? That seems too obvious??’
This is how my friends and I felt, too (outside of the ones that have always assumed she was the Mad Queen because of the books). The problem is that the show

I dunno. I took Danaerys’ snapping to mean “Shit, they rang the fucking bells. They rang the bells! They took away my pretext!” I think she wanted to burn this shit to the ground from the get go and blamed Cersei for chickening out and depriving her (Dany) of the ass-beating she (Cersei, at Dany’s hands) deserved. I

I used to love the show. I feel that the lengthy wait between Seasons Seven and Eight (almost two years) caused the show to lose momentum for me, and I no longer much care what happens.

Can anyone explain to me why Sansa hated Dany from day one? I know she’s a foreign ruler and Sansa is understandably skeptical of outside rule, but the Starks spared themselves from disaster the first time around by bending the knee to Aegon and becoming wardens of the north. Dany also has the power to overthrow

This is a fair analysis. Although if the show’s overall thesis is that choosing rulers by birth is the worst way to go about it, they wouldn’t be positioning Jon, literally the only male heir, to take the throne. Maybe it was the only way to convolute a ruler who makes sense? I mean, the idea of this show ending with

I agree that Dany’s plot was built up over many seasons, and it’s in character with consideration of the long arc... but the writers failed to effectively show her transition from rationalizing her acts of violence with rhetoric of being a champion of the oppressed, to just burning a city for funsies that had just

I am so salty about Cersei not getting her due. If anyone should have to face off a horde of ice zombies it’s the one who sees one and is like LOL you guys deal with it. What’s more, HER PLAN WORKED. SHE WAS RIGHT. Cersei was the biggest fool on this whole show at the end of last season yet somehow she was the one who

Wonderful news, but it’s a little unfair to judge many actors by what Emma Thompson can afford to do (moneywise or careerwise).

God damn. Every commenter excusing this shit with "it was a long time ago," "everybody's done it," "it wasn't wrong back then," "they're not racist, they're good people," "we've all done similar things,": You're so close. It's almost like racism is systemic. 

Yeah, never. It’s never ok. 

Prejudice and racism are different. To our detriment, the words are used interchangably.

Seriously.  Is there a patriarchal religion where this DOESN’T happen?  I mean, if your faith is based on the premise of women being inherently inferior.....this is going to happen.