
Welcome to the era of #metoo, where we now actually make an effort to stop and listen to victims of abuse rather then believe that our heroes are infallible.

THIS! The optics would have been a major factor. There is a reason the Bryan Singer article is headlined with the quote of “They will never believe you”. Terry Crews goes to jail and claims it’s because this man half his size was sexually assaulting him? They will never believe you. This predator knew that.

There are a lot of men who jump into conversations about women being sexually assaulted with the loud proclamation that MEN GET SEXUALLY ASSAULTED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Ugh. Michael B. Jordan, time for a new agent.

Terry Crews is a national treasure. 

Even if Terry beat the tar out of the guy, it wouldn’t erase the fact that he was sexually assaulted. Bye, D.L.

Obviously Crews was asking for it. Probably dressed in a well-fitted suit and parading around the event all smiles and handshakes with all the guys.

If indeed Amazon sees “the safety and wellness of our team continues to be our top priority,” why did this employee not have an employer-provided insurance physical and/or wellness care nurse checkup at any point in the past 6 or 8 months? Not to blame Amazon, but fuckit, let's blame Amazon (at least for their crappy

Again, it is FUCKING SICK that it took a documentary on a cable network channel to get the POLICE to pay attention to Kelly and for the industry to finally publicly admonish him. He peed on a teenage girl on camera and it wasn’t enough. People are just too much.

I’m so here for this documentary.

The guy has some stamina in that regard, I’ll give him that.

Three hours and nobody came?

Hey...cut him some slack. Some guys never even learn where the button is.

I got to the THREE HOURS detail and then I was like, wtf, THAT is fucking weird. And then I heard myself. I think the internet has finally broken me.

It was, in short, all a huge waste of everyone’s time, and the shutdown is no closer to being solved than it ever was.

To be fair, I think the Dems are a little afraid, too. She is one of many harbingers of change, and that’s scary. A lot of Dems like the status quo.

She’s starting wonderfully — I only hope she can keep it up for long enough to put some of this into practice.

It’s not even the corporate influence, it’s the abject nihilism of right-wing politics. Corporations want happy, well-off customers buying their stuff. Modern Republicans want feudalism, oppression, and misery until the Rapture. You can discuss policy with corporate shills; you can’t with death cultists.


“Leftist ideas” that used to be centrist ideas that Dems and Repubs agreed on, way back in the 70s, before the entire government was fully bought and paid for.