
Reagan was actually a fcking terrible person and an even worse president. I’ve never fcking understand all the boomer worship surrounding that prick. He was an idiot and bad for the country. I guess it’s nice they have a type...

Every time someone says that thing about not having a racist/misogynist/homophobic bone it means that the person being spoken of is a virulent waste of a human who definitely has several of those types of bones in their body. I’ve never heard that phrase spoken of or by anyone who isn’t objectively terrible.

Chroniclers of the life of Ronald Reagan are simply gutted to find that the man who coined the “welfare queen” stereotype and championed apartheid also spoke racist words aloud to his good friend Richard Nixon.

Omg I am soooo shocked that an old white Republican man was racist omgggggg. 

It’s one of those things where you have to just sit back, and work through what exactly was the “Garbage In” logical error that produced that particular conclusion.

Reaganomics: The wealthy needs to keep more of their money because they know what to do with it better than the poor folks.”

Imagine being so privileged that you can not only just think Reagan wasn’t racist, but literally write a biography about him and still think that. 

They are taken aback because they are Reaganites and if St Reagan was racist that makes them racist too. The only thing white people find worse than actual racism is finding out they are racists. At this rate it will take another 45 years before they concede Reaganomics was racist, classist bullshit. Growth?

I’m also shocked that Ronald Reagan never wrote explicitly racist stuff in journals he knew full well would one day be made public. Everybody knows real racists write everything down, you know, for posterity.

How is anyone surprised that a rich and powerful white man living fifty years ago was racist? I’d be more surprised if you could show me proof that any of them weren’t. 

It's like one side saying "Let's kill this guy", the other says "Hey, maybe don't?" and you, the reasonable centrist, decide the best solution is to cut the guy in half.

The entire discourse has been systemically shoved so far to the right that what we term ‘centrist’ these days is still conservative.

Believing in shared values between rights activists and authoritarians is idiocy.”

I wrote this on another posting, but I believe this is the crux of the problem.

And Eli Whitney just made it worse when he invented a device that turned cotton into gin and sent global demand soaring.

So wait wait wait wait wait. It’s fucking COINCIDENCE that every single slave in the antebellum South just happened to be black?

So how long until CNN has him on because they feel it’s important to be impartial and present both sides of the slavery issue?

Was gonna post this.  So tired of hearing it. That whole team are fucking pedos... Anyone hear about what’s going on at the pentagon? CHILD PORN ALL OVER THEIR SERVERS. They had motherfuckers SHARING that shit. I swear our government (probably all) are run by a bunch of filthy pedos. No QAnon, LOL

Keep an eye/ear out on the language as this story progresses. “Young Women” “Underage girls” “Young girls” are all code word for “children”.

Same. It was really the last year where it seemed like the cast members were real people, out to have this experience, rather than to get famous. Every year after that was purely people there to get famous, none of them seemed like real people.  I actually think the next season, Hawaii, was the last one I watched and