
“Thanks for cleaning up the mess you totally created for no good reason whatsoever America”

It has to be law enforcement, right? But why?

A proper tan is not that color. You really can stop there with the analysis.

Instead of passing gun control reform, Florida legislators pass a law that all public restrooms must have a purse hook and a gun holster on the back of the door.

Remember when they used to try to portray Paul Ryan as some type of libertarian boy-genius? That branding was too far from reality to stick though. Good riddance.

I have Adhd and Bipolar II. I was treated for depression unsuccessfully for years before a Prozac prescription made me manic and we finally put two and two together. I don’t think people with depression are properly screened for bipolar II. Everything is so different for me now that I have the right medication.

I wish I had the confidence to tell people I have Bipolar II, especially at work. My illness is very well managed with medication, so no one would ever know, unless they knew me before medication. I’m too afraid of the stigma. That’s the bottom line.

Bcause there is a cap on the number of seats in the House, the more populous states still do not have fair apportionment of representatives. They haven’t for a long time.


You had me, then you lost me.

This is going to make the Mormons really smug and insufferable.

I was just joking about her “principles” but I do think production assistant-celebrity confidentiality is pretty frivolous. I’m surprised to see so many anti-Nikki comments. It’s not that serious you guys.

But she stood on her principles and told the truth! There are other careers, and what a way to go out.

This is why I’m torn on the notion that Planned Parenthood should have deleted the tweet. Someone needs to be out there normalizing abortion, and if not Planned Parenthood, then who?

I amend. Its an anagram of my name that I think is funny. I don’t have a great sense of humor.

Will chopped salads cease to be after the apocalypse? I don’t think I fully understand this bracket.

I didn’t know what liberty was until I bought a cup.

I know I’m late to this party, but I have to put in a good word for Jennifer Grey as Ferris Bueller’s sister. She was the responsible older sister who saw her little brother, an actual weasel, get away with everything. She just wanted him to be held accountable for once in his life. Ferris was a shit brother and a

Lynching is their heritage, so they do have that right. I just didn’t know they wanted to proudly reclaim lynching. Cretins.

I left the Mormon church that I was raised in. I remember the exact day. I was 13 and in a gender-segregated Sunday school class. The day’s lesson was the concept of women and wives being a “helpmeet” to their husbands. I went home and asked my mom, “Do you really believe this?” Her life and the things she taught me