
I’m saying the standards for committing people and adjudicating them as mentally ill are really high. Just look at how the police responded.  You are underestimating how many off kilter people there are out there.

These shooters are not mentally ill in the traditional sense. They are angry and impulsive, but that’s not going to get their guns taken away for being mentally ill. The criteria for who should not get a gun needs to expand greatly.

I hear you, but any little hurdle to gun acquisition by the maladjusted and impulsive is a good thing.

You mean the U.S. military doesn’t think it’s advisable to have a bunch of people walking around their daily lives strapped and locked and loaded? They must hate individual liberty.

I just love her in everything she is in! Why isn’t she a superstar?

For some reason, a man losing his job because of sexual harrassment is just unthinkable, but a woman losing or being driven away from her job because she experienced harrassment is ok.

I hope it all works out for you! I think it takes a lot of courage to make a complaint, and then I get frustrated that that is the case. So bravo and good luck!

I’m shocked that no one has remarked on the corrupting influence of lululemon in degrading this distinction.

Can you explain this chart? Why don’t any of the numbers add up to 100%?

Badgering a child during the commission of a crime is vital to democracy now?

Ruin a marriage? You almost nailed the sanctimonious scold comment, but you had to take it too far. You exposed yourself as an insincere troll.

Why does it have to be done? Don’t paint yourself as some kind of hero martyr. That’s ridiculous.

They were shot at themselves and even their own self-interest didn’t convince them. They are past reckoning with.

This is the really frustrating part. Do you know that you don’t have to disclose on a gun application that you have a temporary restraining order against you, or that you were just released from a 72-hour mental health hold? The only safeguard we have is basically the honor system, and even that is toothless.

Tldr: Find another planet, make the same mistakes

The best way for Trump to “tackle the difficult issue of mental health” is to start treatment, immediately.

How do you do your job without being a ghoul and a vulture who isvwilling to exploit a child?

Aren’t you supposed to leave your dog at home to guard the castle?

That is really good information. It definitely casts it in a different light. Still not for me, but I’ll no longer think she’s insane.

My favorite part of Britney & Kevin: Chaotic was that she gleefully discarded this dumb lie. She proudly proclaimed they be fucking and its really hot pop star-dancer sex, not your boring plebian sex.