
Aside from the whistleblower act (and who knows in what Orwellian fashion that was named) it looks like she voted with her party. Are you claiming Democrats aren’t supportive of veterans?

I’ve been trying to understand what is the supposed illegal conduct requiring them to plead the Fifth. The news reports are sketchy on details.

“merely emotional damage”

I thought it was weird too, but because it goes from general to specific denials. Usually it’s a specific denial of the allegation at issue and then blanket denials of any wrongdoing ever in the history of time, and then onto a recitation of his good works with children’s charities. He goes backwards.

Well. All you “file a police report” MRA trolls. She went straight to the police. Now what’s the excuse?

This is where the giant space worms with rows and rows of pointy teeth and no eyes make their appearance.

It would be nice if jury nullification was used on petty drug crimes and other unjust laws, but in practice this is when it happens. This and cops killing black people.

Needs more MS Paint arrows, circles and notations. This conspiracy theory is only partially cooked. Send it back to the kitchen.

Why, yes, he is.

Is this the dickhead who axed Good Girls Revolt?

Testimony is evidence.

“It appears that the relationship between Bjork and von Trier was troubled in ways unrelated or only quasi-related to his sexual harassment of her.”

I have seen that footage several times and not onve was it given the context of the baby being involved. It’s character assassination.

Ok, more than half the population face possible victimization at the hands of (hopefully) a small percentage.  Yet you think,  “False negatives are bad but false positives are worse.”

Oh, yes, that’s right. Good memory!

I know it’s a fantasy. I don’t blame anyone for not reporting. I just dream of a day when someone who reports gets justice instead of more shit to deal with.

This is starting to feel like The Purge: Harrassers. I welcome this newfound sense that women feel they can publicly name names during this surreal window of time.

Who is going to mitigate the (much, much larger) problem of false negatives? Women need to be protected from men who would do them harm. This concerns half the population, but does not get half the concern. Sorry buddy, but women are getting a small taste of someone finally getting their due, and we want more. It’s

Wasn’t there a big kerfluffle after she and Tracey spoke at an event and had some shitty things to say about rape. My memory of what was said is very poor, or whether she was even one of the offenders. Old-timey, stabby, lesbian shitasses, help me out.

I can’t star your comment enough. It should be the last comment to this article, but I’m sure the well ackshullys will continue. Now i press on to see if even one commenter thanked you for finally elucidating this concept for him.