
No. It’s not mansplaining if you actually have authority, rather than assuming you have authority because of your superior junk package.

Is this the same denier from thee other day? You need to ban him from your office.

Oh shit! I thought Michael Barbaro did that to everyone, but now I have to start paying more attention. He’s definitely been called out for it by his guests more than once.

If only there was some way we could all get together and put some limits on how these companies use our private information like accessing information from our phones. Like through people we select to represent our interests on social matters, like a congress of representatives who look out for us little people in the

Aside from being not tasty, I thought the less fatty ones were considered immature and not suitable to sell. I remember Tom Selleck talking about it in an interview after he delightfully bought an avocado farm and became a gentleman farmer. He was saying it took like 8 years of no good crops to finally yield good

When I told my mother about the chickens in Oryx and Crake that were genetically modified to grow multiple breasts and no head, her immediate imdignant reaction was, “That’s so stupid! Chickens don’t have breasts!” I’ve never let her live it down.

Let’s hope those Black Identity Extremists* start stockpiling guns so we can have some gun control legislation for a change.

Oh fuck off.

It’s extremely easy to fire a client in my state. All you have to do is file a motion to withdraw which any judge is going to grant outside of extraordinary circumstances like its the eve of trial. Do your rules of professional resposibility really require you to find them new representation? That would be highly

She’s the one who sang the song about the small boat in the ocean sending big waves into motion, which always made me think she was singing about her clitoris.

The Americans are too busy lauding the godfather of sexual objectification.

There seems to be a lot of rewriting history today about how progressive Hugh Hefner was. How about an eye witness account?

“...it is clear as day that Playboy’s Philosophy today as well as tomorrow is as feminist as it gets,”

It’s like you’ve never heard of plastic surgery or think playboy somehow discouraged it.

Burn in hell, pig.

People don’t shoot themselves into space. They walk around with two feet on the ground. That’s just the social order, and we never buck the social order. Fucking John Glenn.

So much misandry in these selections and comments! You all make me so proud!

I know its too Greek, but little Luis has no idea.

“Shoulda never named me a Mexican name, Mom! I hate you! I’m changing my name to Milo when I turn 18!”

I really want to know more about the camera man who was so great at following stage direction. He may have completely missed the beginning of this tirade but when the boy swiped cut, he cut pronto. Whose Mom’s porch are they on? Were there milk and cookies on a craft services table. I have so many questions about