
But that is a list of people/programs that do not have anything in common! What criteria could our President be using to determine who is racist? It is a mystery.

So what happened with your bouncer? Did he end up turning parents with kids away at the door or did it turn out to be a non-issue? If he did keep out some riff raff, were there any repercussions as far as later family drama?

I think Danaerys was using the scientific method to test the witch’s hypothesis with Daario for months. I can see why she didn’t want to point that out to Jon though.

You can’t live in a society like the US and not have absorbed racism. It’s impossible. Own up to it and stop whining like being called a racist is as bad or worse than living on the wrong side of a racist society. The bellyaching is too much. It’s embarrassing.

“Imagine a world where Union monuments had overtaken the country. It’s take two and pass, asshole. Pass that shit!”

What would Euron have done if Jon had said, “Of course they swim”?

In the last season finale, they are sailing west to Westeros, but the sun is setting behind them in the east. I’ve always thought that was a huge goof that no one has ever pointed out, but it is also part of the prophecy. I seriously doubt it is intentional, but it fits your theory, so I’m just throwing it out there.

Where did Dany get her winter coat? They just have that lying around?

And he disrespected the Wu Tang Clan.

She can steal Hope Hicks’ face and serve Trump fried cabinet members in a KFC bucket.

It’s just the newest season of The Apprentice. Best ratings yet! America is glued to the set.

That article says Davis only spent two years in jail. SMH

When the NFL is calling you out for white supremacy you know you fucked up.

She has the best attitude, but I’ve never understood her makeup. That probably says more about me than her.

87% approval among Republicans for disembowelment. 83% if the intern was male.

If God existed (not likely), would he love the God twitter account or would he be a real dick about it?

Shh! I think he forgot the transgender military ban, because he has never followed up. Don’t remind him!

Is it really his fault that his most flattering pic just happens to have a Nazi flag as a backdrop? I mean, you go to one Nazi rally one time and you are branded for life!

She let Walder’s child bride live. And the only people at the feast were his bannerman. So assume the many Frey daughters are now living the high life at the Twins, out from under the yoke of their lecherous father.

This. The real question is where did she get the face to kill Walder Frey. I think she must have brought it from the House of Black and White because I can’t see her killing an innocent peasant girl. But her departure certainly didn’t seem like she left with parting gifts. One can clearly travel with faces, as