
You are right. We are not in a time of blackbirds and flamingos. But we COULD be! If only we would embrace our humanity and unleash our repressed gluttony!

Regulatory agencies in the US are a joke. Underfunded, understaffed and without adequate authority to fix most problems. I say this as a regulator who often just wants to tell the complainants to "sue that bastard." Like it or not, lawsuits are the way to address mistakes in our system.

Plaintiffs in tort actions are almost always paying on a contingency fee basis. They don't pay up front. It just isn't done.

No to Bogart. Yes to Sinatra.

I've given this a lot of thought, and the only proper way to do this is to layer several separately baked pizzas. Otherwise the dough in the middle will never not be soggy. Now I have a game plan for the weekend.

It took me a long time to realize that Liz was written as a loser and not a role model. I love that woman.

Looking back this was the way of it.

I heard that John Waters has been studying her innovations in camp, she's that good.

What we need right now is a good old Half-Assed Homemade Kwanzaa Cake to really put things into perspective.

I can appreciate following traditional binging protocol. But just keep in mind that the tsk-tsks and the tut-tuts will only barely be audible. I just can't feel satisfied unless the food police cordon off a three-block radius and start asking for a list of my demands.

Be my Valentine?!

Pumpple cake sounds amazing! Why can't we all get on board with food monstrosities? I find them so . . . exciting! Profane! In a world where swear words and bdsm are de rigueur, food profanity still has the power to shock the righteous.

My birthday cannot arrive soon enough.

I didn't catch the whiff of angry axe grinder soon enough. To think that I toned down the snark in my initial comment because I thought I might be dealing with a calm, rational person!

I just checked the cats for adoption. Mew Radley!! Peeta Meowlark!! Eat your heart out Wisconsin!

I adopted Professor Katz. I later added his degrees: PhD, Me.O.W.

She's not promoting it. She's making fun of it. There's a whole level you are not picking up on.

That explains why it sounded too familiar to be original and too spot on to be a reference. I'm going to cast Cary Grant and Doris Day for the speaking parts anyway.

But there are only eight episodes?!

Is this from a movie or are you brilliant?