
Jokes to yourself are often the best jokes.

Actually, the plaintiff has to prove the statement is false.

I'm super curious about the false accusations that you referenced above, especially since you are on the right side of these issues. How do you feel confident the accusations (more than one instance??) were false? What were the damaging consequences to the accused?

I have been pondering the castingand the target audience ever since I caught feelings for the fisherman. I'm so glad Jezebel is addressing this important phenomenon. I'm not used to commercials with attractive men that are also sexually arousing rather than just bland. Like corporate salesman attractive.

He'll probably be fine as long as he doesn't criticize Chuck Lorre or Michael Bay. That's when things seem to get serious for the violent and deranged.

Yeah, remember when Sean Penn beat the shit out of Madonna? Never heard from that guy again.

Excellent response!

Your tears are smudging my anonymous leaflets.

6 men = #notallmen

Calm down. You're getting hysterical.

Blasphemer! Thou shalt not take the name of Fruit Pie in vain. The Church of Pie teaches that all cream and nut pies shall rot in the trashbin of Hell forever.

Oh, to live in a world where accused rapists are harrassed and harmed rather than defended and excused!

My right not to be named on an anonymous list? My right not to be gossiped about?

No, you said "actual victim."

You can date any of these guys if you want. No one is stopping you.

It's not libel if it's true. So, yes, an actual victim has carte blanche to spread the information.

You are comparing apples and planets. What is it about the lizard brain that makes it conflate sluts and rapists?

If being accused is so detrimental to educational prospects, I guess their institutions have expelled them. No? They haven't?

It's dangerous if it works to lessen a rapist's opportunities and decrease their pool of victims? I'm not following.

Your proposed alternative is that the victim file a police report, which has all the same potential ramifications for a person. I'm not saying there couldn't be future consequences, but I believe they would be minimal and even less than if a police report were filed with a victim's name attached. And the consequences