
You're drunk.

Fair enough. What do you see as the range of possible consequences from dissemination of this list? I admit that it would be unfair for someone to be wrongly accused, but it's hard to see the stakes as that high given the countervailing potential harm.

If it prevents even one rape, then it will have worked. That is my definition of "work" and you'll notice that is somewhat short of incarceration, shunning, systematic dismantling of a life, and the rest of the sky is falling prognostications.

What makes you believe their lives are going to be systematically dismantled? They will get fewer dates. Notice, I don't say zero dates.

It potentially prevents future rapes. I think you are unfairly discounting that factor in your analysis.

Would you allow for the possibility that all the worry about the impropriety of such lists might mean this information does not get to a woman who is then raped? Would that be more or less fucked up?

What if the accusations are true, but, for whatever reason, they cannot or will not be prosecuted? Then what do you propose?

No, I don't remember those. Did they make it moderately more difficult to date for a few years?

You, and anyone else, are free to find the list as credible as you wish. We all set our risk tolerances and act accordingly. This list will not be the reputation ruiner you imagine.

Then some innocent college guy might find his dating life unfairly, moderately curtailed for a couple of years. The end.

How about, "My lived experience and my observations of the experiences of the many women I know lead me to view these conclusions as highly questionable"?


Is there some event in the history of ever that makes you think this will happen?

I agree. But then I remember examples from r/creepshots that were literally just "look at the tight ass jeans on this slut at the zoo" and I'm conflicted.

Why is it that when people get on their kink high horse, they sound so school marmish?

I've never been convinced I need to respect anyone's rape fantasy. Good for these guys for not raping her though, I guess?

Not sure what the OP meant, but the fact that she is a woman does add an extra layer of horror for me. I rationally know women can be assholes, but a woman should be even more cognizant of how awful it would be for the homeowner to be raped. It makes her even more of a delusional monster in my book.


I have to think this version is an obtuse gloss over events that occurred for technical, legal reasons, because WTF?

Thank you for articulating this so well. The pressure and responsibility to make the relationship work is a huge part of the dynamic that doesn't get addressed enough, imho. Abusers prey on the belief that the relationship might be salvageable, and society tells us that if the relationship can be salvaged, then it is