
"Apparently I'm going to college!"

Tyson responds: "I don't care. What are you going to do about it?"

This is why I can't even begin to try to watch amateur porn. Half the time though, it is conspicuously labeled as somehow violating the woman's trust. Either she didn't consent to being filmed or didn't consent to sharing the video.

I would advise eating the chicken in your underwear (instead of pajamas) alone in your apartment, so no one can accuse you of not putting yourself out there.

Maybe they all quietly hated your ex and hoped like hell you would drop him before you decided to get pregnant? Or you have remarkably well-behaved relatives?

Technology turns every dating market into NYC. The illusion of plenty/grass is greener syndrome means less committed coupling.

This is what bothers me. This would ruin school for me if I were this boy. And sending my kid off everyday to a proven pit of vipers? I wouldn't trust these adults around my kid.


It's not a first grade quiz question. It's a bridal shower game.

I'm calling bullshit. This looks like a common bridal shower game. You pointing out the handwriting of the correction clinched it. That is not how first grade teachers write!

Maybe pandas are so sad that they are on the Rust Cohle extinction plan. It's really the only path of integrity, when you think really hard about it after doing lots of hard drugs and chasing it with a six -pack of Lonestar/Tsingtao.

Dad, you are so embarrassing!

Those bandage dresses make her look like an extra in a Bell Biv Devoe video. You too Sofia!

Yes, please. I want to see where she was lip syncing.

I'm actually surprised by all the hate. I think it's my favorite thing I've ever seen her wear. Beats those boring bandage dresses to a pulp. She looks like she has a personality. I'm not trying to make so many backhanded compliments! I like Kim. I love this look. She did much better than the model.

I'm leaning toward innocent there too. But the existence of people like Syng might make it hard for a frazzled mother of twins to be confident in her friend! Or maybe she just feels that the severity of her experience is not being acknowledged? I think sometimes huge life events can highlight problems in

Yes, this is the point I was making. It's a veiled criticism. Nice demonstration.

"You can't pretend" is just a rhetorical expression, like "you can't deny," "you must admit", etc. I wasn't accusing you of actually pretending, or anything else.

Conspiracy theory?

Why would she realize it later? Do you think she got a full night's sleep in the meantime?