
Except that she kind of owns her sexuality. Her lyrics especially (the ones I'm familiar with) are all about her sexuality being for her own pleasure. Her photos and image don't get that point across as well as her lyrics.

The best dad-hero commercial is the car (VW?) commercial where the dad is strapping in his little curly-headed chatterbox, hesitates to close the door on her chatter, and hustles to the driver's seat, while she chirps on, oblivious to the interruption in her audience's attention.

It's not the size. It's the gooey pink inner part that pops out of that part shown in the picture. At least, that's my memory of horse dick. The pros can correct me.

And thankfully, horse and human penises are nothing alike.

I saw a horse boner when I was 8. It informed my naive pre-teen understanding of how a human boner worked, which was frankly horrifying.

Not exactly. Oral agreements on their own be enforced, with limitations. But oral statements standing in addition to a written agreement are much more dicey. They are "parol evidence" and not worth diddly, also with exceptions.

This just in! Peter Parker has no ass crack!

Lawyers handle people's money too, but without the oversight bank tellers receive. How about gas station attendant?

Please ponder the fresh hell of the plus-sized maternity situation.

I can bear the indignity of an extra, well-placed seam. I can't bear bright orange and red flowers on a black background. What causes that?

I finally understand! Nice fabric can only be made on machinery of a certain size and if the machine is any wider it can only spit out gaudy floral and leopard prints! Golly, if only the wider machines could make the nice fabric, then I would shit rainbows.

I will say it again. If the same artifice can be achieved with hair, makeup, lighting, etc., then let hair, makeup and lighting be used. If they can shave off her jaw with contouring, do it. If they can find that face shape on another model, do it. If they can create the uncanny valley of a mannequin on a live

It's counterintuitive, but courts in my state hardly ever bring the hammer down on lawyers who defy their discipline orders. Suspended but still appearing in court? Here's a small fine and don't do it again! We mean it this time. *Fingerwag*

Too many clients don't look up their lawyer's disciplinary history until after a problem arises.

Keeping him away from female clients is not going to keep him away from the mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, ex-wives, and baby mamas of his male clients. It's a strange to allow someone to practice with a special limitation.

Your essential argument is that people should not concern themselves about the use of Photoshop (and all that entails) because the use of hair, makeup, lighting creates a more dramatic difference than Photoshop. "The most significant and noticeable changes to the model's appearance in this video (contributing to the

I need recommendations for bar soap and deodorant that is not Dove brand.

If the Photoshop job is hardly a big difference, then it shouldn't be so hard to stop using Photoshop to avoid having to use a label.

I'm just saying. Most sequels with male leads are not very good, so we probably should stop having male leads in movies.

Except, whoopsies! There are a lot of men in OINTB.