
Imagine how the economy would be stimulated if entrepreneurs weren't tied to employer-provided insurance for affordable healthcare, either when leaving a job or starting a company. It's a major drag on the economy, no? Libertarians should love a single payer system.

"No one is forcing them to work for these companies" is the dumbest argument ever. No one is forcing these companies to employ people or stay in the US either...so?

You are right. They are definitely designed to get the cash. Luckily my cheap side wins over my screen-monkey side, and I lose interest if the game makes it too prohibitive to play free. God forbid when my kids get old enough to want to buys stars or gems or whatever baloney.

That's what I'm saying! I'm available on a moment's notice! I have a driver's license and everything. If the network wants to give me the call, I'll drop the kids off at a fire station and meet the camera woman at a place of their choosing.

When I found out my iPhone dragons could not move to my Android Dragonvale, I almost returned my new phone. I'm still mourning over a year later. At least I never spent real money on them though. Just hours and hours of time.

I have always viewed spending real money as cheating. Alas, as in real life, meritocracy in casual gaming apps is an illusion.

That's a great segment. In fairness, the ratio of women:men in OINTB overall is still much higher than anything I can think of. However, according to imdb, the only five characters credited with appearing in all 39 episodes, in order: Piper, Healy, Red, Nicky, and Larry. So all white and 2:3 m-f. Most "equal"


Is Jimmy John's offering sprouts again? I thought they permanently nixed them. I was so happy about the ban, because one errant sprout can ruin a whole bite. They taste like rotten dirt. Not just dirt. Moldy, worm-shat dirt.

The show, featuring Richman uncovering "delicious hidden food treasures" across the country, was supposed to debut on July 2. Then the channel suddenly announced it would be postponed with no details about a later date.

This was my exact internal monologue. I was hoping to find it here.

The cheese comes in waves. Sometimes the show feels poignant (eg. facing cancer and old age in prison), sometimes melodramatic (you want your prison guard baby daddy to confess because why again?), sometimes fantastical (vee in the finale). But it's always entertaining. I know what you mean though. I'm torn quite

I have noticed that most (all?) movies and tv shows that are thought of as "women's" shows or as having a mostly female cast still have male actors as at least half of the cast.

I think you meant piefucker. I demand a correction at once!

Don't forget the dead wife! Did we see her faceless, adulterous body at the beginning?

I vow to use Hobby Lobby as a euphemism until I die. Does the internet no longer crowd source Google bombs?

That breeze on hairy legs feeling is the best reason NOT to shave! The first time I felt it, I felt horribly repressed and deprived of one of life's joys.

I much prefer Adam's douchey persona to his voice and music. When the Voice first aired I found him practically charming in comparison to his shrill yet blobular sound.

I did enjoy him in his role as a filet-o- dickhead in American Horror Story.

That's a man, baby!