
Did you respond? I find it impossible not to take the piss out of the worst ones. Example:

Yes! It's the length! It's so presumptuous. Let me tell you everything ever about me before I even have an inkling you exist except as one of "thousands of attractive females." Introductions should be a conversation, not a monologue.

"And guess who got high paying jobs after graduation? Not me! Still poor. Will probably always be poor."

They never say woman! At best, they say girl.

It doesn't follow that romance movies are less likely to pass the Bechdel test. As far as data, the involvement of women in creating the film unsurprisingly leads to a higher passage rate. Look at the graph for writers, directors and producers by gender. http://tenchocolatesundaes.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/visual…

Even if your speculation was shown to be fact, what conclusions would you draw from it?

That's what I hear in my head whenever anyone starts dismissing public support of issues with phrases like hashtag activism. Like you pointed out, that criticism makes no sense.

Hashtag activism=Shut up so I can more easily ignore this issue.

If you go in complaining about something caused by your period, then they give you a pregnancy test even if you tell them you haven't had sex. So, there is one thing they won't blame on your period, and that's your period.

No, in fact, I do not know any of that because, like this woman, I'm not a health professional. Instead, I share in the common experience of having doctors treat me dismissively and give a resolute (and wrong) diagnosis of "I can't find anything, so it's nothing."

I think you are right, and I wanted to give the quoted doc the benefit of the doubt on context, but the dismissive "don't bother with a video"garbage is right in the quote. It seems he knew the full story, and framed his advice to seek immediate help as a rebuke of this woman, rather than a neutral statement on the

Am I missing something? Their production list on imdb is all dudes all the time, except Zero Dark Thirty. The top of list is a Rogen/Hill/Franco vehicle called Sausage Party. I couldn't make up a bro-ier bro-fest.

This is why the "If you want more films to feature women/be less sexist/pass the Bechdel test, make your own movies" crowd is especially precious.

I can just envision her second trip to the ER sans video. "Lady, we told you yesterday, it's just stress. Now calm down and get some rest." Then the notes about hypochondria and webmd go in the chart and she's pegged for life like Elaine Benes.

Just call 911!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I did look at five of them, even though it was quickly obvious that your list was Canadian and irrelevant. Only one of them actually had suits on the splash page. The rest of them had a smattering of suits and unmatched blazers, pants, etc., that may work after some extra effort in searching and matching, like you

Canada! The land of milk and honey and dedicated women's suit stores? I looked at a handful of those sites since I have not heard of any of those stores. I'm not impressed. Find me a page like this of gtfo: http://www.menswearhouse.com/mens-suits?cm_…

The other lame thing is that there are few (any?) stores devoted to stocking rows and rows of women's suits in all sizes. Quality suits of conservative, plain cut and color are not so easy to come by. Dress Barn is nothing like Men's Wearhouse, despite the nomenclature.