
I imagine if she found a single hair in the sink she would turn on the faucet and washit down like a normal person. She's not talking about toothbrush to grout levels of cleanliness.

That's insane! Laundry and dishes are the only truly necessary chores. You can (unhappily) function with a ring in the tub. Hell, you could even eat out or buy paper plates and get away with not doing dishes. Laundry? Essential. Priority #1.

Home maintenance is included: "Household activities are those done by persons to maintain their households. These include housework; cooking; lawn and garden care; pet care; vehicle maintenance and repair; home maintenance, repair, decoration, and renovation; and household management and organizational activities

Who is gaming the census, in your opinion?What makes you think the sample is not representative?

You do laundry for one. Laundry for a household is different beast.

I really think it dissipates, although you've made me mildly paranoid about my vinegary house!

This is not a CNN poll. It's scientific data collection by the census bureau. The selection of participants is random.

The participants are randomly selected from the census, numbnuts.

You think a household has three loads of laundry a week? Hahahaha

I sort of agree that the smell is a tetch too far in the urine side of the odor family tree. But it goes away so quickly!

"GIF (hard G)"

Back to my original point, The Hunger Games has a cast that is 50% men/50% women, all the way down the credits. The Lego Movie has a cast that is 80% men/20% women. I bet this experiment would hold with the vast majority of "female" vs "male" movies. Why shouldn't the "male-centric" movie have a 50/50 cast? This

Yeah, Hollywood knows who they are selling to, but you sure don't.

Do you really think The Lego Movie is targeted to male children only? Most movies that aim to be blockbusters are marketed to as broad of an audience as possible. Yet they mainly feature male cast members, who we are all to accept as the default gender that everyone can relate to. There is nothing about The Hunger

Her scene with Tywin was one of the best of the finale. She didn't have a cross bow, but damned if she didn't get all up in his face and sling some arrows.

I love Cersei in exactly this way, but I get the sense I'm alone.

How many more? 50%. We need 50%. And not just leads either. 50% all the way down the credits. That's real life.

I love Nausicaa so much(!), but I didn't know about the manga. Thanks!

I've left a similar, though not quite as violent, marriage after 7 years. I agree with all the great advice here, and have a couple of things to add based on my own experience. First, he may not turn scary when you leave. The first time I left my ex in the first year of marriage, I was prepared for anger and

It is a terrible Broadway cheese song. But most people have terrible taste.