
I'm sorry I made you doubt yourself for even a minute! The internet is a topsy turvy place, but trust your instincts!

Info needed to determine her weight is less than ideal: Is Ellie a girl name?

Now playing

He singles out and yells at guys he sees assaulting women in the audience. Then he yells at them again during the guitar part of the next song. There are YouTube videos documenting this crusade.

Pat Sajak? Steve Martin? Maybe you are a young one?

She doesn't care!

Perhaps she's underrated. I will check her out. The important thing is, she doesn't weigh the right amount. That I am sure of. No further info needed.

You objected to being called a hypocrite (even though you weren't) and then you went on to describe some mildly hypocritical thinking on your part. You even acknowledged her point about entitlement!

Before I agree to upgrade your situation to a full blown harem, I need to know: Seattle, Salt Lake City or Miami?

This article is answering the oft-repeated questions: why are colleges handling rape/why don't victims report to the police? One facet of the answer is that victims have a better chance of a positive outcome. Acknowledging that reality is not detrimental to criminal justice reform. It's actually an implicit call

Yes. That is precisely everything I meant by my sentence fragment.

Reform of one system does preclude reform of another system, and arguing in favor of one does not mean you do not support the other. That should be obvious.

I agree with everything you've said, and you've put my knee jerk reaction to shame. :) I still think there is afundamental conflict between remorse and a failure to acknowledge wrongdoing that makes this judge's statements ridiculous.

Fine. A disproportionate impact based on irrational biases. How's that?

No one here is arguing against reforming the criminal justice system.

I would do exactly the opposite. I would go to my employer who knows me personally and is nearby.

"But you are foolish if you do not believe that false accusations here are not contributors to the problem of victims not being taken seriously when they should be."

What's he supposed to do? Post an ad on craigslist? Then he would run the serious risk that his partner would consent! That's not going to satisfy a guy like this.

If he is struggling over his actions, why didn't he plead, and more importanfly, why does he plan to appeal the conviction? That's not how you show remorse or inner turmoil.

"I speak for reason. I speak for maturity. I speak for logic."

"Men can't possibly give a damn about a woman being raped."