
I have watched a not insignificant amount of porn (though probably not even a tenth of what an average guy has watched). So I feel confident that if I went to a mainstream porn site right now and watched every video on the front page, at least a handful of them would feature something outright degrading and about

Then why the late nit-picking? The whole point is that she is there well over what is considered full-time in this country in order to do the job, but is still hassled about being late. And I love how you turn the fact the the company is overburdening one employee back onto her as her personal failing for not

NOT ALL PORN!! Is this really a new idea for you? It's not a stretch to say most of it is unpleasant towards women. That you don't see it only tells me that you are soaking in it.

I do try to battle through the sick sometimes, but most of the time it's just not worth the risk to my lady boner. I agree with everything you said, especially about boys these days being exposed to so much of this as their sex education. I'll add that even when you can find a decent video showing two attractive,

If I had logged on to pornhub as a 12-yo girl, I would have been turned off from all forms of sex, including masturbation for at least ten years. Porn is not kind to women, and the ad gifs on free porn sites are horrific.

So, where is the joke in this prank?

If it's petty and harmless then it won't ruin their future, will it?

Of course they knew it was wrong. Otherwise, where is the joke? Do you really think they would find a fake hearing exam as funny? They likely did not reason through the actual consequences to others, but they knee it was wrong.

In places where progress eases in slowly on little cat paws.

Commenter Josie Grossie! You are being summoned to the floor!

I see this tyura person whooshing quite often, but I've never been able to decide whether the brain damage is sincere or malicious.

Oh yes. I have been rigorously corrected on my pronunciation in both locations. This an issue people feel very strongly about!

What entitles Drew to be the goodwill banker? Did Sam open an account and ask Drew to keep track of the deposits? "Hey, send me an e-mail if my goodwill balance gets too low, wouldja?"

I also really appreciated her comic depiction of ADHD—the one with the "do all the things!" image. It was dead accurate and it made me feel less alone.

So Columbia could address the truth of the allegations that the named individuals had been determined to have committed sex offenses? This adds a whole new dimension. I assumed their hands really were tied.

Sorry about the wall of text. Kinja or my phone does not let me press return or move the cursor without taking away my keyboard as punishment. TLDR: You must balance the potential harms when making a decision on the value of the list.

I'm not assuming guilt. I've actually asked for further information about the truth of the allegations on the list. However, you can acknowledge that the facts aren't all in, while also reviewing the available information and reaching a preliminary opinion on the truth. Innocent until proven guilty applies in

Very informative! Thanks!

Sooo...lean in?

The "more likely than not" standard is used in civil cases involving millions of dollars. I think it's good enough for expulsion.