
Breakfast can mimic the language of social justice, but breakfast is an obvious apologist for unholy food mashups. McGriddle? Spinach omelette? Bagels with jelly? Really, breakfast? Really?

"Only cunts name their batter."

It's high time breakfast stopped hiding behind No True Scotsman fallacies and learned some accountability.

OK, Posner. Under what legally cognizable claim would you file a suit against your employer for firing you for assaulting a co-worker?

You have correctly assessed the Waffle Taco's attributes, but Waffle Taco < Gogurt.

Yep! Class is in session, rapists!

You haven't tried a Waffle Taco yet. I don't know how they fucked that up so badly.

Burn scars and all.

"the worst thing to happen to breakfast"

That's not Jesus. That's the Hound.

You know fuck all about the justice system. The Pope knows more about tampons than you know about the law.

You really think I haven't won? I mean, it's not a fair fight, so it's not a clean win. Like beating kindergartners at scrabble.

Ha! You post like an advocate of rapists!

A shyster? What are you an old-timey pamphleteer?

Federal law requires them to be involved. They have a non-exclusive process. They aren't replacing the criminal justice system. The two can proceed separately.

Motion to dismiss for failure to state a clam. Don't even need to file an answer.

They aren't courts. They have much wider latitude to take action.

You realize that in most states employers can fire you for any reason at all, as long as it is not a legally prohibited reason, I.e. discrimination?

I'm suggesting that private universities have all the latitude they need to decide not to allow predators to attend their schools. Why does that idea bother you?

It's rapist advocate groundhog day!