
So you are not only a rapist but a pedophile gang rapist. Huh.

"being incompetents and having no choice but to dismiss is neither here nor there"

Ergh! Zombee can't find goalposts! Keep shuffling aimlessly!

So, she was never convicted of filing a false report? Why should anyone believe you? I hope she sues you for defamation. It's just your word against hers and you have no actual evidence.

Will you make up your mind? Either they "have no choice but to dismiss" or they are incompetents who will deploy every victim blaming trope available to improperly ignore her testimony. It's like you are arguing with yourself.

Doubtful? Did you hear the testimony?

I do not believe anything you are saying. You lack credibility. You are crying false rape!

And? So?

How many people have "cried rape" on you?

Yes, unfortunately I guess I really do have to explain the fundamentals of proof to you. It really is that fucking tedious.

I'm going to tell you something and then catch it after it shoots straight through your empty rapist advocate zombie brain and out your ear.

Do you ever get tired of having your ass handed to you over and over again? You're some kind of rapist advocate zombie.

Say it with me children! TESTIMONY IS EVIDENCE!

Testimony is evidence, you fucking nitwit.

"Just her word against his"

Crying rape? You need to move on to the next article. You are out of your intellectual depth.

He can finish a degree fromPhoenix University. No one owes him a degree. Being a rapist is not a protected class. We should discriminate against rapists for fuck's sake.

First of all, you have a serious problem with rape apologism. There does not need to bea conviction for the school to take action. If you assaulted someone at work would they wait for a conviction to can your ass?

The problem is law enforcement will rarely act. Laws were passed to require universities to take action to protect their women students. They do not have to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and theoretically should be more effective in giving consequences to rapists. Time and again they show that they lack

In my bed right now! I will update the list later.