
they've also said that this praimfaya is worse than the last time. And we saw how it instantly burned a woman in the desert so, it's not just high doses of radiation that make one sick but something so toxic that the body gets completely destroyed. If humans can't survive it, then no animals would either and they've

they'd still need armed force to enforce the unpopular decisions of their leader for example and to stop any internal conflicts and crimes.

Not to mention that recovery shouldn't even be possible. If everything on the ground dies in death wave, how flora and fauna are supposed to recover at all? Evolution would need to start anew since they aren't saving any animals with them in the bunker and hardly any seeds etc.

I don't think Indra would fight, she's been injured way too many times and recently. Tricru will have another champion. Illian is one option since he turned out to be a good enough fighter to get a personal invitation to the war from his people. Also would provide tons of feelz for Octavia.

I'm pretty sure it's going to be Echo vs Octavia, not Roan.

I speculated this might be the case but going to space is only available for Raven at this point and at best one other person. And they have nowhere to survive - Arc is down and this small rocket isn't going to cut it. Also there's no means to return.

that's what I came to ask - could it be that the actress got another job and wants out. Clearly, the next season will be the last anyway so it would be a wise decision to leave if she has some good offers.

he didn't try to kill any of skicru, he wanted only to destroy tech. He had no knowledge of primefaya coming.

Jackson is a young adult though and Miller isn't exactly a kid either. He might be 18 or about to be 18 but considering what life they had I think it's fair to say they've earned the adult status and definitely are capable of making decisions for themselves in all aspects of their lives.

roan is in no condition to fight, he nearly died a few days ago.
same goes for Indra, Neither will be fighting in the conclave.

On tv he was 12 in season 1, so about 15 now.

Just Google 12 weeks pregnancy ultrasound.

the fetus looked about 12 weeks, she doesn't need to be showing yet, especially since it's her first pregnancy an she's young and fit woman.

the point of his betrayal is to get him where he needs to be for the next iconic moment from the comic (that's happening in the premiere I'm guessing)

It seems she might become Ezekiel's queen. In time.

Many had already died nearby because of black rain, poisoned food (fish & game) and fighting.

Yes, it is :)

>>>What frustrated me was that we are expected to see Clarke's self sacrifice as this big heroic thing, when it's what she should have done immediately.

Unlike Mount Weather those forced to be "lab rats" today would still die in a few days. Forcing them to test the solution actually gives them a chance to survive.

And she negotiated truce with Ice Nation instead of trying to murder them all or something. She definitely isn't fond of killing and torturing people and never does it just because. It's always really the best/only solution available when she opts for that.