
"she believes she's the rightful heir" is perfectly selfish though. She feels she needs Westeros but Westeros doesn't really need her. It might benefit from a strong ruler and unity but it doesn't have to be HER who brings that. She's not uniquely qualified to sit on IT, I'm not sure she's qualified to rule at all

I have no problem with NK not commanding the dead to attack but he could have thrown the spear at them like he did with the dragon. Could have used the normal one too, not that fancy one that killed Vyserion :) Then there must have been some bows available too. They were just standing there, the easiest target

I'm not talking about the weights but about the Night King who is as intelligent as they come.

I'm pretty sure she knew better once said army was right in front of her LOL She said so herself at the end of the episode.

Have you even seen the episode?

The ravens they send to the Dragonstone were express ones LOL they all would have frozen to death long before they were sent let alone Dany showed up in response.

Also, did they inform the NK that Dany is coming because otherwise I don't see why he needed to wait till the lake froze over. He had managed to kill the

problem is the whole "let's take Westeros back" is unnecessary. There's no objective need for her to be the queen of Westeros, she's there purely for her own selfish reasons and therefore any deaths that come from that are not ruthlessness for the greater good but throwing toys out of the pram because they don't bend

She's not cruel or crazy, she's just no different from others and has no moral superiority

It doesn't matter how outlandish the rules of imaginary universe are but there have to be some rules otherwise it's all arbitrary and hard to get invested in. It can't be that one character takes months to travel from A to B and the other using the same means of transportation arrives there in days.

It never was anything else.

They aren't but they also aren't central characters of Dorne plot so it's not very important.

They might not have been seen in millenia but there is this huge Ice Wall to protect from them specifically. Nobody builds anything like that just for fun. I think it's more or less the same as the dragons that were supposed to be extinct.

Maybe not that long - he doesn't have kids so it's possible that the rights will be passed to someone not really close to him right after he dies.

And there was a brief glimpse of an article from pre-apocalypse times about losing contact with Asteroid Mining Penal Colony or something like that.

I'm not sure that nighblood thing should matter anymore. As Indra said - the time of Commanders has passed. And The Earth is survivable for normal humans.

Someone above uncovered small hints about where this ship must have come from

In Chernobyl there were no death wave killing everything on its path. Plants and animals stayed there, they never retreated or died in big numbers (except for the select few dependent on humans like house mouse). The reatreat of humans was the biggest affecting factor in how animal/bird population changed there, not

It was mentioned in season 1

this theoretical resistance has its limits. Just because 1% has managed to survive at one level of radiation doesn't mean there will always be 1% surviving it no matter how much you up the level of radiation. They were already noticing the diminished population of animals, insects and fish in the area, after the death

Yeah, corralling skicru in that one hall in such a violent chaotic and confusing manner was asking for a riot and casualties. Some of those casualties could have ended up being "essential personnel". She treats skicru as garbage when everyone's survival depends on them doing their jobs for years to come. When

Skicru has an antipregnacy shot that's mandatory on Arc, they'd just use it on grounders as well.

Use them as fertilizer I imagine.