
I'm thinking this too.
The one thing that's bothering me is that how either group is going to survive long term on dead earth? Because humans need plants and animals to survive and it seems like the level of radiation will be such that everything will die out. Not just unprotected humans.

she can walk out into the black rain.

yeah, just let them all burn in 10 days, what a great alternative.

Good idea with the lottery. I would have excluded Roan too, without him the peace with the ice nation will be difficult to achieve.

I choose to believe Abby was just dead tired plus there's likely to be some brain damage as well, that's why she's freaked out.

Out of those present she'll be closer to the top on "people to use as lab rat" list, right after Emory, Murphy and Brian.
Abby and the other doctor guy are needed to convey tests, Luna is needed as a source of bone marrow/blood, Raven has super brain, Roan is the King - without him it will be much more difficult to

They can't go fetch volunteers, they're on some remote island and there's black rain falling outside.

Ratings are still high enough for TWD to be the most watched cable show and for AMC to be able to demand 333K for 30 sec ad spot.

He raided another civilized community to give these weirdos more guns. He would have no one to blame when they turn on him.

Lincoln and Reedus are earning 650K and 550K per episode now (or will be from next season, I forgot which)

Them not showing up is due to AMC being greedy and not wanting to pay to all the mains in all the episodes.

Eugene has no idea about Rick's plans too. Rick didn't decide to fight until after Eugene was taken.

Daryl too.

The character development on TWD rarely makes sense on the timeline they've given us. Also their healing. But 3 weeks is what it is.

It's OK for a young fit woman to not start showing till at least 4-5 months in with their first pregnancy. Not everyone is that lucky but it's not unheard of.

Actually, Maggie being in the first trimester still makes sense in the timeline (it's been only 3 weeks since Glenn's death). It's Judith aging at least a year in the meantime that is a crazy development. They used to try and maintain her aging in line with the general time passage but now she's getting Carl

At least half the income comes from International sales/streaming/merch deals now. Good thing too :)

IDK, didn't bother me since I figured the ship must have many compartments like that one, all crammed with people. They were all over each other in the one we saw, with barely enough space to lay down.

I agree with you that potential tensions and hostility were predictable but the situation was desperate and there probably just weren't time and resources to dedicate to sorting the refuges into ethnic groups and attaching them to proper vessels.

Similar, not exactly the same.