
Hilltop had a similar deal because like The Kingdom they didn't fight back. Unlike other communities I mentioned. They didn't fight back until Rick arrived and offered his services as a mercenary but by then they've been living under Negan for some time.

I didn't say Hilltop fought back, they had the deal very similar to the Kingdom's. Saviors weren't ransacking Hilltop prior to Rick's crew massacring their outpost. They were sitting in their outpost and hilltopers were bringing goods to them every week or so, very much like Kingdomers do.

They're all growing their own food except for Alexandria (even there, they've been planning to start) and junkyard weirdos. Even The Sancturary has people who do other jobs including gardening.

spraying saviors with bullets would have started a war but without giving zeke a chance to prepare for it. Partly because he'd be dead too.

That's definitely their purpose in the comic. How they (Negan) see themselves at least. The show was more vague so far but at least saviors not killing anyone and not even setting foot into the Kingom by the time Rick's crew arrived is show canon.

they meet every week. It would be unrealistic if they were bringing large amount of anything with such frequent meetings. The Kingdom would have run out of supplies pretty soon.

It's the other way around. The Kingdom didn't fight at all but negotiated instead and that's why they have this deal where nobody got killed until Richard started stirring shit up and they give a very light tribute that doesn't disturb their inner community live whatsoever.

I thought so too. But I trust Chandler Riggs to know better.

According to Chandler Riggs all the bottle episodes are because AMC is too cheap to pay actors to appear in too may episodes per season.

Norman Reedus pay rate is too high to have him in all the episodes.

He's only a middle manager, he is not allowed to let it slide.

he doesn't have to store them in ASZ where Negan would find them.

In 610 Jesus said he counted 50+ people living there (56 I think it was). Now that some are dead (4), others gone (6) it would be 40 something.

she's going to give birth before the filming starts again. They'll have her shot or otherwise injured and she'll miss a few episodes but no need killing her off.

They could have died from something other than being bitten - flu, gun wounds, heart attack etc

If we're being realistic about the explosion - what exactly is so flammable in the server room that there's an explosion and the whole Arc immediately goes up in flames? Unless he made an actual bomb, it shouldn't have happened like that, simply spilling some gasoline on the floor wouldn't do. Normally wires and

The flame is a chip that looks exactly like the one ALIE made them swallow - no need for special insight there. It's not just a tech but the one eerily similar to the one that made him kill his family.

1. He was in the city of light for the hot second considering ALIE was still in the process of recruiting his family. And nobody who came out of city of light suddenly become a rocket scientist, Raven was explicitly declared to be the only one who've gotten a brain upgrade and managed to retain some info. All others

It wasn't Clarke's decision. If anything she was the only one at least worrying about saving everyone while the rest of them only ever cared about saving the Skicru.

3. There were 500 people working on this ship day and night, yet now that Illian needed to wander about with the cart full of explosives they're all gone. But were magically back when they were needed for "running out of the burning Arc" scene.