
Yeah, he figured it out faster than Octavia who grew up there.
Also, funny how the ship was completely empty everywhere when there were 500 peoples working on it at all times in all the previous episodes. Plus, they were still there, running out of it when it blew up. But not when he was wandering about with a cart

The powers manifested even before their birth, the wife giving birth to the white male child when she was pregnant with native american girl seems to indicate that.

Thanks a lot for such a detailed recommendations! :) Going to listen to LW audiobook now :)

So, we're done with book 1? I'd love to read the books but I don't want to get ahead of the show because I enjoy it so much.

I agree. Probably the best episode they did so far.

I think they just might :) In some form anyway. Thanks to Protomolecule.
I'm not ready to lose Miller.

But not because of too many walkers.
That hospital has managed pretty well in Atlanta. I don't see why shouldn't they try cities now, years into ZA. Herds move, at this point in timeline it's just as likely to encounter them in the city as on the road.

On the show scratches or walker guts/blood getting into cuts & wounds do not kill or affect in any way at all. Most notable example - Sasha cutting walker and right after that cutting Abe with the same knife.

And those are only guns owned by people. There are also military bases and police and gun shops etc.

Tara already found that group of women and kids with lots of guns. Give her a couple of episodes and she'd tell everyone.

The second season is really good so far.

I think while he's going to use the good will this deed bought him with Abby it's not why he did it. It's very personal for him and came from compassion.

seriously, he was driven by xenophobia and vengeance, how is this "pure intentions"?!

I think jasper's contempt comes from personal tragedy rather than philosophical disagreement with that choice. And he focuses on Clarke because he knows Bellamy is just a follower despite his posturing.

He met everyone in season 5 finale, season 6 finale happened about 80 days later. So he'd been with them for less than 3 months.

To be fair he only knew them for a few weeks and wasn't particularly close to any of them.

Kingdom also has no reason going to war with the Saviors. They have a deal that's working for both sides, nobody got hurt so far.

she didn't have time in the comic, AOW was over in a few days and it was 2-3 years long timejump right after.

in months all of them together, skicru and grounders, could maybe build one?

they could have left one of two of their crew to watch Farm station and follow the slaves wherever.