
the guilt from tough decisions had been his companion for so long that he doesn't feel the need to indulge it. He acknowledges it and moves on to the next practical move.

i'm with you. It was too all vague and confusing. Hard to engage and connect with the characters.

I feel they went overboard with it. I'm not familiar with the comic source and the pilot left me absolutely disconnected with the characters and the plot mainly because I have no idea who the hell all those people are. It was too vague and confusing. I don't need answers right away but at least the questions need to

He didn't stop at telling him to turn the page. He also said he should keep trying to do better from now on. I hated that arc too but that's still a sound advice. Because it's not like there's anything that could fix what they did there. And with the world ending in 6 months there's really no time to dwell upon the

She did look stupefied, Octavia had to nudge her into action even.

i'm also curious what possible solution there is for the current apocaypse problem. Maybe wait out the worst (the actual cataclysm) in bunkers, then develop some anti-radiation vaccine along the lines of whatever Becca was injecting survivors with 100 years ago.

Thomas told his mom that he wouldn't tell anyone that she and dad knew when he was hugging her goodbuy.

I have good enough memory, I guess. They all were part of one plot or other at some point

midseason finale

MSF got 5.07 and 10.58 in live+sd

there's also Francine (part of the construction team, was saved by Abe in season 5), Scott (broken leg guy, part of Heath run crew) and more minor characters like Bruce.

Problem is people who have courage and strength to overcome fear and risk their life in assassination attempt are likely to be able to overcome that guilt or even be inspired by it. It will break some but it will make many others stronger and more determined.

The point of the note was to get Aaron beaten up in front of Rick. There's no deeper meaning to it.

she knows that wasn't all of them because she was there when they've killed denise and she's killed some more of them on the road when she run away. She knows they have Kingdom and Hilltop under their thumb and that they were circling on Alexandria.

Dunno, not convinving enough considering that Richard's real problem isn't Zeke doesn't approve of his plan but that he has no real plan. And he doesn't seem to be even aware that he actually needs one. LOL

they were busy trying to get Negan his tribute. Rick was out looking for stuff pretty much all this time except when he was dealing with Negan visiting.

Because they're main characters at a secondary community LOL
That's the only answer that would explain how come two random strangers show up and in a week or two they're the ones you go to if you need to get the king to listen to you.

IDK, Richard didn't make sense to me at all.

They were interrogating Rosita so of course she couldn't kill Rosita to threaten Rosita.

One. One episode. Then they go on wandering about in small groups up until the finale when Negan visits ASZ once again where they'll be waiting him all together to declare war on him. That's a cliffhanger for season 8.