
No, some movie. The Good Wife was responsible for him not being clean shaven like in the comic.

Original question was why don't they all up and run, surely it's very much against Negan's plans for them and is easily spotted by one man near the gates.

There's one gate and one road out, wouldn't require all that much manpower to keep tabs on their comings and goings.

So, what would be the point running? you get nothing but lose a very nice setup and all the effort you put into building it up.

But you'd also lose all the comforts of alexandria which are a considerable bonus.

I say, think some more about it :) rick went head first into that outpost massacre and look where it got him.

Just because Carl and Enid weren't stopped doesn't mean they weren't watched. The rule wouldn't be "nobody can get out" since Negan needs them to go on the runs and such but he wouldn't be OK with them loading up their cars and running away.

How could you be sure Alexandria isn't watched and you wouldn't be stopped on the road just like they were in the finale?

They were looking for the perfect one recommended by Eugene and Maggie was planting tomatoes.

probably not considering Glenn, Rick, Daryl and even Spencer bulked up noticably between seasons without any in-universe explanations. But they all did it for personal reasons, not because of the show.

Not that I know of :)

They nearly starved last time they were on the road and it only got worse since because everything that was there to scavenge is already taken or went bad. There's no option but settle somewhere and grow their own food now. Plus it's very likely that wherever they go sooner or later there will be another warlord

He had that skinny look for another project when they cast him and had no time for doing anything about it. Now he can't do anything for the continuity sake, I guess.

Gregory made a deal with Rick so he's not against rebelling against Saviors, he just doesn't think he has a chance on his own. And he's not wrong.

Next episode will be all about her.

By the time that research was done, filming the finale was long finished.

He normally doesn't go to Hilltop though. His minions do.

They don't bother with plausible timeline at all tbh. It's all very arbitrary.

I'm not a doctor I just paid attention during biology classes I guess :) Also I'm a parent. Basic facts are these: Period for most women is about 28 days, ovulation happens around day 14 and then there are about 48 hours when woman can conceive. So when next period comes the baby is about 2 weeks old.

They're doing marketing research so I expect they'd catch up to people's reaction to the character and would at least think long and hard on whether they should stay faithful to the comic here. So far it doesn't look like people have the same love to hate reaction to tv version of the character as they did with the