
The first missed period for most women comes 2 weeks after conception. That's exactly when Rick had sex with Lori for the first time after returning. There is a chance he's the father. Technically. No way for any of them to know for sure he isn't unless they check DNA.

Why would that be an implication though?She wasn't 2 months along when she found out, she's a grown woman with kid so she wouldn't need that long to figure it out.

I'm much more puzzled why he trusted Morgan with his super secret dealings with Saviors. At least with Carol it could be explained as him fancying her.

Judging by the ratings (12,46 and 11,72 for the last two episodes), several millions actually did stop watching though.

Gimple is big fan of Lost, he admitted as much.

Run to where? They nearly died last time they were on the road.
There's not much left to scavenge so survivors now need to grow their own food to survive and that's not something you can do while on the run.

There's also Maggie and Sasha at Hilltop to get back to for an episode. And we haven't heard from Heath and Tara since 6.13. So I wouldn't expect her to reappear till 707 or even 708.

That's Gimple's favorite schtick, that's why. That started since he was promoted to showorunner position and goes on regardless of if it fits the story or not (it kind of did in 4b when they got separated after prison fell)

They're paying their mains regardless of appearance in the episode though.

Dale, T-Dog and Otis were in the early days where food wasn't scarce yet though. There was plenty to scavenge in the first year or so.

thats definitely over 40

they killed about 50 actually.
over 10 in 6A, 20+ in a compound they attacked, then those who captured Carol and Maggie (several more), a couple at least when Denise died, then Carol killed some more on the way from Alexandria.

here's some data for you

They've managed to stretch No Way Out for 10 episodes andthey are stretching What Comes After and March to the War for the whole season 7. So AOW part 1 and 2 + some original material for tv only characters can totally take the whole season.

I'm 98% sure that's what they're going to do.

I don't see what you said in the spoiler tag as a bad thing at all. In the comic Whisperers came out of nowhere with their whole shtick fully developed and that was a bit jarring how they've managed to exist right around the corner without ever running into our guys for 5 years.

In the show one can assume Wolves are

Actually, it is a big loss. Normally second episode gets 10-15% less viewers, here it lost about a third of the audience.

No, they've from different communities. Ben's dad is dead like he told Morgan in this episode.

Sorry :( they don't follow comic all that closely though.

That's what averages are for.