
Well, define soon, I guess :) in the comic it's nearly exterminated in the very first battle with Negan. But that maybe as far away as next season.

Mostly, I agree. We'd need to see 7A through to get definitive answer on whether they've succeeded with rewiving interest among GA.

But it kind of does. Only they're rebuilding in the same place instead of moving to a new one. But it's still - find/build a good place, run into a threat, fight it, have your community destroyed in the process, rinse and repeat.

And by the time I've finished reading those there are twice as much new replies.

because Negan would just shoot her with his gun?

This one episode got good ratings. But on average ratings started declining in 5B and continued in season 6. Since 5A every half season show lost a million per episode on average though of course there were ups and downs . We'll see when 7A is over if that trend continued or if they've managed to get their mojo back

In the comic they do provide the service - they clear the roads and surrounding areas from zombies and any other threat. Doesn't seem to be the case in the show, at least it wasn't mentioned so far.

Actually, it's the other way around. All three communities are useless on their own against Negan and only have a fighting chance if they join their forces and attack Negan's homebase.

Normally, the drop is about 10-15%, that's not several millions, just 2-2,5

It's an OK episode. As to regrouping, they won't even begin this half season.

They picked 2years ago though and have been slowly declining since.

But it was destroyed twice since they've arrived. LOL

And yet We won't see any of them till MSF.

season 8 at the earliest

And there are no ads on TSDF

the reveal was in one of the previous episodes, Tulip told Emily she lost a child. This was merely elaborating on how it happened.

Dany has 200000 army, all the supplies she can get from Reach and Dorne - very rich regions largerly unaffected by war - and dragons.

Why can't he make alliances with people that want to rule all of Westeros?
The starks did so back in Aegon I days.
And now he has an additional incencitive in form on Others invasion.
With the resources he currently has there's no hope for him to win against either Dany or Others. Let alone both at the same time. He has

They didn't just died out naturally but got exterminated via war where all the cousins would have been forced to takes sides and participate as well and most likely had fallen with the main house and even if are alive are not in position to make demands.

You mean at 1;00? It's him and his wife. I don't remember that scene but it fits the plot in general, could have been cut out.