
If she were tracking them the whole time why torture Kane and have endless dialogues with Jaha about the need to find Clarke/fleim/last nighblood.

Grounders think Ontari has the flame so nobody would bother Luna.

It's either a little plothole or Harper (or Miller & his bf) git chipped offscreen.

it was completely out of the blue, I'm suspecting she's chipped tbh. I mean how does ALIE know about Sinclair?

I don't think it's a crisis of faith but rather a crisis of self-confidence. She realised she's made some mistake somewhere, either when she was looking into the flames or with how she interpreted what's required of her to achieve what she saw. But she'll realise that Jon Snow will fight for Winterfell after all once

I don't see what difference it would made if she leaves with essos army or without. She goes to conquer another territory and create an empire that spreads over two continents, who cares what she needs to achieve that? She got her dragons, she learned how to rule, that's a great legacy already.

Martell line might dwindle in the books as well but deviation from the books isn't what I find wrong with show!Dorne. It's so different from the book that I've never even tried to reconcile these two versions.

I think she can fly those dragons alone and wherever she lands she'll find herself an army. Just like it happened in Essos btw.

So does the scene of Cersei confessing to Jamies about the profecy. TBH everything in this episode except for a couple of scenes on the Wall where Davos is negotiating with AT would have been a perfect fit for the closing chapter of season 5.

There is more than one ship in Dorne fit for sailing to KL, I suspect. :)

she can be the ruler de facto but de jure one of Oberyn's daughters will be sitting on the throne.

Or maybe Dany realises that her dragons are all the army and fleet she needs to conquer Westeros just like the first Targariens did.

it's not the girlfriend who'd be ruling but her daughters who are Martells even if born out of wedlock.

Aren't they Oberin's daughters (not nieces)? They are of royal line, just not legitimate. But that's known to be overlooked when there are no legitimate offspings to the throne.

Aren't her daughters by Oberin Martell enough? They're bastards but in absence of legitimate offsprings that usually gets overlooked.

This! It felt good that this storyline is moving fast but it moving in the direction so fundamentally wrong that I'm left horryfied for the future of it.

I'm assuming one of the Oberin's daughters can be proclamed a queen now as they're the only ones left of royal line.

Yeah, came here to ask the same question about Trystan. Wasn't he supposed to go to KL and represent Dorne on the council there? Did he choose to return because Marcella is dead? If so how come Doran only just now finds out about Myrcella's fate and by some note and not from prince directly?

Or they've used cc for the spelling and didn't look further.

Maybe it was two things at once - an engagement party and a signing of khetuba? I've googled it out of curiousity and it seems it's pretty common to combine this ceremony with an actual wedding.