
I'm not sure Zack shares that view though. It didn't look like he's marrying for tax reasons.

I don't think the reviewer needs excuses for that since it wasn't made clear in the show (because it's not terribly important to the plot).

Because Jackie invited her for weird and wicked reasons that are totally in character and were explained in the episode.

she just met Murphy as well.

Also there was that political angle of her declaring that blood must not always have blood while defending her people and killing Emerson then and there would have really undermined her position as Lexa pointed out.

I feel bad for his wife and kids and other innocents in MtW but not for Emerson himself. He didn't show even a shred of humanity and kindness to anyone, wasn't willing to compromise/negotiate, always opted for violence/torture/kill them all approach.

idk. it seems clear she operates on join or die principle now. She will make an offer first but if it's refused she'd put a gun to your head and get you swallowing it anyway.

ALIE tortured Raven into submission and then taken her hostage to coerse Abby. I think her ideas of consent and free will have changed dramatically thanks to Jaha who convinced her that torture is just another form of persuasion. I think as of now she won't stop at anything when it comes to forcedeeding her chip to

ALIE isn't bothering with consent anymore, she makes an offer and if it's refused she simply tortures people into submissions or kills them if they're of no particular interest to her.

I guess Emerson could have been stalking Arkadia all this time.
No explanation on where are Indra and Kane though and where are all the Arkadians.

I don't think he earned her trust but more like backed her into a corner since he knew all about her being a false commande. Basically he replaced Murphy once he offered a solution to her problem.

It already did kill Emerson and yes, it's because he wasn't Nightblood.
Clarke took the chip out of him afterwards.

That someone is Daryl, he's sitting right behind the doors and is first one out, then Michonne. So POV is Glenn or Rosita.

they are. Ratings are huge but in a steady decline these last three half seasons. And this negative buzz definitely doesn't help. I'm sure season 7 won't premiere to any kind of record. I doubt it would even beat this season premiere.

None of it is due to less people watching live.
The difference between live and live+3 ratings is the same for seasons 5 and 6 (around 40% for normal episodes and a bit less for the premieres/finales).

she's going to Kingdom. They just teased with that guy Rick nearly shot.

Morgan is looking for Carol, he's many miles away from the lucille lineup.

Because now that Michonne is comic!Andrea Carol is saddled with comic!Michonne plots.

writers are at their worst when they're trying to come up with an original way to get to the "iconic scenes" from the comic. 9 time out of 10 their ways turn out to be too contrived and require extra stupidity or inconsistency from the characters.

I'm not sure how deliberate it was. What means of prevention they have?