
True but the grimness and desperation wasn't about Rick's own fate but about him realizing Alexandria he's so desperately trying to safe in that RV (and failing!) might have already fell to the attackers (baby food).

He wasn't shown sitting there surrounded. The overhead shot shows walkers start walking out of the forest en masse right where the RV is sitting on the road but the last we see of it the RV isn't surrounded at all. Rick can still use the door to get out though he has to be quick about it. Or driver's window if he

The burying Pete busyness was in flashbacks. Some time have passed since. Considering they've managed to agree on everything, organize everybody, prepare that barrier, balloons, line up dozens of cars, I don't think it's generous to give them a week. Besides Rick's face is almost healed in present time shots.

They're main characters, not their fault redshirts die around them :)

They fleshed out the Alexandria somewhat. Or should have anyway :)
I'm not sure Carol would start berating Morgan to Rick, what she witnessed (as opposed to what we saw) wasn't all that newsworthy. And Morgan didn't look like he's going to confess about that Wolf anytime soon.

Good idea!

why? We've seen the events they would inform each other about.

Sort of. She's nothing like tv show Tara.

And most of the time it would have taken them one or two lines to clear the confusion. Like with Betsy why couldn't Jesse or other Alexandrians say something about Betsy couldn't take David's death or something like that so that we were able to connect the dots. Instead Jesse delivers random speech and leaves without

Yeah, you're right, I've checked too. But not Wilson and not Emily Kinney. There must be some contract based logic behind this.

My observation a week ago doesn't differ from the one I made while watching the episode. All my guesses were right and all your assumptions were wrong.

Four I think. And she appeared in 5 episodes after her death.

That works too :)

and when Rick finished that walker for Deanna.

He referenced talking to Carol and he nodded to Morgan saying "we need to talk". Romancing widow happened at night when he's done all those things and more.

They're not that's why zombie guts work as repellent.

That's not true about credits. Names only appeared when the actor (or at least his head in Hershel's case) made an appearance. Ghost Lori was in (almost?) every episode. Emily Kinney appeared in credits of two 5B episodes - when she was a hallucination and part of Sasha remembering shit from her past.

Tara isn't his comic gf.

episode 6.07 will soothe your anxiety :)

Might be. Or it might have been Mike after all.