
Ugh I was in the 5% of women who felt ungodly awful cramps that persisted for 3 months straight. Like doubled over pain. Took so much ibuprofen daily that I almost got an ulcer. However it eventually passed and now I love it! Every now and then I'll get cramping on my right side where I know there's a cyst that's been

I'd consider my own life precious and a pregnancy is certainly a threat to that, considering the maternal death rate in this country.

As a feminist, I fucking hate Lena Dunham.

I wish she would run for president :(

I don’t understand the “woman’s life is at stake” clause either.. Pregnancy comes with a host of risks - psychically and mentally - that can seriously impact a woman's health and well being while perhaps not outright threatening her life. So is it only if the woman is facing certain death that she can abort?

To her credit, Hillary fired off this chart to Jeb on Twitter

Take ibuprofen before you go in. Insertion is quite unpleasant but once you get through it, the iud is amahhhhzing

generally, they don’t kill them specifically due to the color of their skin.

and we all know 12 and 15 year olds are nothing if not reasonable creatures. fucking idiot.

because historically that’s how social change has happened? are you actually advocating segregation?

i was called to jury selection for a rape case. no one asked point blank if anyone was a victim of a sex crime. we were asked if there was anything that would prevent us from being impartial in the case. it was that point when the jurors asked to recuse themselves based on their experiences. i didn’t get far enough to

when i got called to jury duty for a rape case, half the jurors asked to be recused because they were victims, myself included. it was sobering to say the least.

pronounced fr-yee-un-shee-up

and the white trash bigots spewing ‘the truth’ all over fox news ironically weren’t..

she doesn’t deserve to be teaching in any district if those are her attitudes towards minority children.

i really hope it’s just meaningful discussions on consent. it seems to be such a grey area for many people.

at that stage, it wouldn’t survive outside of the womb.

would the second amendment give me the right to bear arms against anyone who wishes to intrude upon my uterus by forcing me to make decisions against my will?

or any part of north carolina for that matter. my white high school lost its collective shit when 4 black students dared to matriculate there. in 2003.

unless they make special accommodations in advance. considering the pool hasn’t refuted this point, i’d assume it’s true. they’d be the first to put on blast how the teens shouldn’t have been there en masse.