
Well, making the lead love interest a black man could've been interesting and a more poignant take on the lyrics. But somehow I don't think interracial couplings fits the image Taytay wants.

Sounds like you’re more in favor for prison and mental health reform rather then sentencing reform. Rape is a serious offense and should not carry the same penalty as shoplifting.

Putting him away does help. It helps protect society from a criminal likely to repeatedly offend.

Lol wat. They’re all anti choice. Cruz, Walker and Rubio have said they wouldn’t provide exceptions even if the mothers life was in danger and have supported a government shutdown in order to defund planned parenthood. Jeb shut down PP in his state and wants to defund them as well.

Those ribbons aren't for kids. They're for the parents. Kids just want the end of season pizza party.

How about their disregard of the woman who takes on numerous health risks to carry, deliver and then recover from birthing a child?

This is the heart of the story, the most troubling aspect. Everyone can bleat about false allegations but this is the meat of the story. The treatment women (and men) face when coming forward is unprecedented when compared to other crimes. This is the POLICE saying this shit.

Yes this exactly. Regardless of whose right and who lied, it highlights something much more damaging.

I agree with most of your statement but the conspiracy theory that she didn't kill herself isn't that insane when you count the jails history of suicides, the documented racist sheriff in charge, and her illegal arrest. It definitely warrants an investigation. The best outcome is that her death is a result of their

Suicide watch, eh? Wonder if they'll check on him as frequently as the jailers holding Sandra Bland did.

I think there's also a general confusion on what is considered consent.

Except she was alone in her cell. I can't imagine one would be able to successfully hang oneself surrounded by cell mates

I sometimes have issues opening a bag of Doritos when I’m super stoned, let alone make a noose out a plastic bag strong enough to hold my weight.

Science is not in conservatives’ lexicon

Ugh that's my biggest fear with IUD, after one accidental pregnancy and abortion. I keep pregnancy tests stocked and check myself every 2 months out of irrational anxiety.

I don’t think anyone whose ass is a product of injections should be bitching about skinny girls.

Waiting on the racist trolls who claim gawker never reports police abuse cases against white people...

You know you get a phone call in jail right? According to the bail bondsman himself, she talked directly to him.

Records show she posted bail though, which isn't the kind of behavior exhibited by someone who plans to end their life

She called a bail bondsman too.. Not exactly the type of behavior from someone about to take their own life.