did you like, even read the article? which refutes everything your sister may have told you?
did you like, even read the article? which refutes everything your sister may have told you?
equally as effective at corralling kids at the pool? a whistle. blown by a 16 year old lifeguard with no time for bullshit.
‘Hey, integrating pools shouldn’t still be an American civil rights battle ground.’
how exactly would stop and frisk prevent rape? would a police officer find some type of rape identifier on a person they are frisking?
so... only poor people rape? that’s your conclusion?
yes it is. which is unfortunate. for many rape victims, including myself, it can take days, weeks, months, even YEARS to come to terms with their abuse. that’s why understanding the psychology of victims and getting them treatment and counseling ASAP is important.
you don’t need to read someone’s mind to understand psychology. obviously all victims react differently to their abuses. some push past it and find a path to forgiveness, while for others it haunts them. sometimes victims don’t feel the effects for years or decades even. if these girls truly found a way to push past…
trauma and abuse clouds judgement and rational thought.
repeated admission of guilt is no longer considered evidence?
statute of limitations for this kind of offense is only 3 years? what the hell?
made the mistake of reading this on reddit... hoo boy, did they exemplify the points maggie was making. note to self: never read anything involving gender dynamics on reddit first thing in the morning.
or schools that allow soda and candy vending machines
i don’t doubt you. my point is that we should have higher standards for our educators. i’m not saying she should be fired by any means for having an opinion... but if the costs for a single course are continuously rising (they can be upwards to a grand - 5k depending on the school), then so should our expectations for…
you don’t need to be an angel, just able to participate in intelligent discourse. that’s really not much at all to ask of our nation’s educators, on or offline.
the thing is, she’s a professor. of african american studies. and she couldn’t properly articulate a subject matter, regardless of how many characters she used. she touched on important issues that need to be discussed, but she did so in a juvenile way. she came across as bitter (which is honestly understandable) and…
i used to work as a waitress in a tourist area outside of a military base and ranking officers were the only military in my experience that ever left a decent tip.
hillary is shrewd, much more so than obama. i think that shrewdness would get her to pierce the republican stonewalling, though i’m sure she’d give concessions that would piss a number of her base off. i do think that had hillary been elected instead of obama, she could have gotten the public option to stay in, paving…
as a matter of fact i do. i’m not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. i gave a small donation to the warren campaign and support a lot of what she has to say. i just don’t think she has enough legislative experience to be president and think she is more effective where she’s at. personally, i wish…
elizabeth warren needs an actual record, not rhetoric, to run on in my opinion. she’d get destroyed swiftly and easily if she were to run.
no, you sound like someone who remembers their history. it’s easy to look back and see how awful these programs were in hindsight but they passed because it was the best compromise at the time.