
Watching that fake reminded me of what happened when the CPU called the exact defense to match your play call in Tecmo Super Bowl. It was a good memory, and then reminded me of how I could run back to the one yard line and have Warren Moon throw 99 yard TD passes all game long, on his way to a 15,000 yard passing

Live look at PREPA contracting officer.

Sorkin was taken aback, I’m sure, as her response was so simple and direct, he had no way of processing what she was talking about.

Same! It also made me think of Donald Glover because whenever I’m going to bring him up in conversation I have a moment of panic that I’m going to say the wrong name. So it was kind of funny that he came up in context of Dermot Mulroney who shares in the unfortunate similar celeb name game.

I think it’s just a pr stunt but it’s for something good so I can’t get too mad.

I said, “Holy shit. Danny Glover’s still around?”

When people ask me why I buy most of my games on console despite owning a gaming PC, I refer them to articles like this. The PC is a great platform for a lot of games. Just not all of them.

I’m almost certain his staffers made him think those were three white players. This is not a man who does his own research or knows how to “use the google”, so that would have been easy, and, like you say, an opportunity to make him look “presidential” for a change.

Hey, it’s great and all that it worked out, and I’m glad the guys are heading back home. Still, come on, man. Aren’t there some significantly more pressing issues for 45 to be more concerned about? But then again, this is a softball issue that’ll make him look presidential without requiring a lot of thought, so it’s

Get yourself stable, dude, then get into therapy and learn some new interactional/relationship skills, because this path right here will never lead anywhere good.

Not as sad as the story of my cricketing career, tragically cut short by a complete lack of talent

I hear ya, buddy. Age forced me to retire on time from my elementary school basketball team. The technicalities will mercilessly rip your heart out.

Damn. With these numbers, maybe Andy should aim a bit lower. Say, President of his country club, or maybe of his HOA.

Reminds me a lot of my softball retirement announcement—I was recently divorced from my wife, which put my position on her company’s softball team in no small peril. Several weeks after the season should’ve started, I called the team captain and asked when we were getting together. He haltingly told me that I was, you

I’m oddly comforted by the fact that my almost-complete anonymity in the online world, and the ease with which most people ignore me, is cushioned by that anonymity. It would be worse to be an online washed-up, once-halfway kind of decent athlete who uses the platform to spew nonsensical drivel, which they then double

Smell that? Smells like greatness, dammit! Admittedly, it smells like shit, and mockery, and making a fucking joke out of the democratic process and the office of the President of the United States, but still....keep makin’ that greatness, baby!

This Bennett/Packers mess is a metaphor for all of us, as we navigate through life, man. It’s, like, nobody can really figure it out in the moment, man, but all we can do is just, you know, keep on playin’, man. Or maybe like a bad relationship, where neither really wants to be in it, but neither side has the guts to

I imagine O’Reilly felt his “saint” like contributions to humanity were offset by his “temptations.” It’s kind of like the mental leaps of logic evangelicals have made to justify voting for and supporting Trump. The end justifies the means. Trump fails every morality test yet they believe he’ll set the end result on

I’m not anywhere near ‘perfect’ and have never sold myself as such. At the same time, I have no fucking idea how a person could look themselves in the mirror knowing that their behavior was so overwhelmingly dickish and considered so reprehensible, they had to have contractual protections in place to shield them from

Yeah, baby! It’s this tough, no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is mentality (usually not seen out of a pre-K classroom) that really made him a great choice to lead the nation through an impossibly complex 21st century sociopolitical world! Now give him his wub wub and paccy, goddammit! It’s TV and twitter time!