
It’s good to see that there’s others out there who’re struggling with the realization of how all fucking surreal his presidency is, like where it’s one thing to hear the shit that comes spilling out of his maw, but putting the words with the image and circumstances just seems slightly unreal.

Back in the day, Monday Night Football was invented to help gamblers recover from a disastrous Sunday. In a similar vein, Thursday Night Football was invented to cram even more NFL down the throats of people who were uncomfortably overstuffed with the whole goddamn enterprise and had no idea how to say ‘no’.

And suddenly, 7th grade boys, frat bros, MRA’s, and major Hollywood players quietly chuckled, as the psychic connection between all douchey types is strong and vibrant, and when one makes a shitty joke, the rest will respond accordingly.

Well, really, it’s not that bad. I mean, it’s not like the infighting and taking the path of least/no resistance actually caused any real har...wait.....

I remember thinking just out of high school that, just like Springer, this was the start of something great. But then several changes of major in college landed me at a career choice made based on a ‘eh, there’s worse things’ point, I discovered that ‘greatness’ required effort that I wasn’t willing to give, I made a

Ms. Parker’s argument, however sincere, reminds me of that bird that I saw on that nature show a while back—the male entices the female by gathering bits of garbage and worthless shiny things and making a nest or whatever out of them, and if enough of the garbage-y baubles impress her, he wins her favor. That said,

I also like how they wasted their fucking money by paying for metered mailing instead of the traditional racist “mailing” system of sticking crudely rendered flyers under windshield wipers.

I like how the person was so sure in their convictions and the righteousness of their cause, they anonymously made their case with a passive-aggressive, after-the-fact mailing that would be more difficult to connect them to. Classy AND brave!

Yes, its all incredibly shitty and a clear picture that racists are the ones embracing Trump with the MAGA reference.... but, my real question is: How does somebody waste a school holiday?

On a related, but slightly off-topic, note, I was reading an article today that basically said how calm Donnie has been in the midst of his latest crisis, and I was reminded again about how many fucking passes this guy is getting. It’s like playing sports with your kid, where you see them struggling and you let up on

Hey, this dude and I share a birthday! That is sort of cool!

I once got a job working as a house supervisor from the 3-11 shift at a group/halfway house. I was a kid, a few years out of college and had lost my last job due to ‘politics, man’/being dangerously unqualified, and now here I was, trying to maintain order among people just beginning to readjust to life back in

“Ken Giles has a role on this team...”

And around the nation, the cheers of those who believe Ann Landers’ advice is still good words to live by, who circulate glurge emails and completely fictional hoaxes about societal ills/the local weirdo/food and drink issues, and who claim that they’re ‘not a Democrat OR a Republican, but an AMERICAN’ (who think

Right?? How did she not notice the diminishing returns on her efforts? It’s like shitting on yourself to get someone with bad breath to stop talking to you.

They should bundle this with those ultra-realistic sex dolls. I bet it would make a fortune! Don’t steal that, guys. That’s my idea, and since I posted it anonymously in a comment section, that’s basically just as good as a patent, I think. I’m no lawyer type, but I’m pretty sure that’s how it works.

I like how the person who smeared period blood and contaminated the goods and living space of another human being (yeah, don’t even try that weak-ass ‘it was a joke!’ shit, kid) thinks they’re of a status so much higher than the target’s, it’s okay to do this sort of shit. Get lost, creep.

Scientists have recently uncovered the previously unknown Newton’s Fourth Law—for every tragic incident, Donnie will have an equal and opposite grandstanding, selfish reaction.

This is me, right after my workday ends. Yes. I’m that excited.

I agree in concept, but it absolutely depends on the world design of the game. The main problem with minimaps, as I see it, is not so much the visual distraction as it is the fact that the assumption of their presence and use changes the way developers design their game worlds. The problem with playing Assassin’s