I remember watching footage of this when it happened, and I’ve never seen a sports injury quite as gruesome since. Horrific bone breaks and the like are terrible, but not like watching someone die from traumatic blood loss right before your eyes.
I remember watching footage of this when it happened, and I’ve never seen a sports injury quite as gruesome since. Horrific bone breaks and the like are terrible, but not like watching someone die from traumatic blood loss right before your eyes.
This is all just....too much. The whole thing reeks of the last horrific day at Jonestown, where a lot of effort was put into making it look like the victims were happy to ingest the poison that was soon going to kill them, but their terrified screams, pleas, and urgent struggles are right there on the tape, revealing…
The only dipshits who insist on being so willfully ignorant about the actual details of history are the ones who are invested in maintaining the status quo. Look, history serves a similar purpose to individual self-reflection—it’s where you can see where mistakes were made in thinking and actions, and seek better ways…
I like how the Chief of Staff of the United States of America has a grasp of American history that goes no deeper than any typical Horatio Alger story or Norman Rockwell painting. I’ll bet he gets most of his information from his monthly editions of Readers Digest.
This is the sort of thing that’s over-thought because of all the poor examples that are on public display. A good apology is simple: I did it, I was wrong, it’s my fault, and I am remorseful for it. Every component of it is aimed at the self, with no outside influence or cause. Anything other than that is an attempt…
The Twitter giveth, and The Twitter taketh away. Put the phone down, Donnie.
Ah, yes! The less-Trumpian middle aged white guy’s answer to the issues in society—the market always decides! See, it’s not actual people who make programming decisions; it’s The Market! Being unwilling to give women or people of color their shots isn’t anybody’s issue; The Market makes those calls! Never mind the…
Shit, if I was playing for the Colts, I’d fake calling-in sick, too.
I don’t know. I mean, I get it—standing up to them, in support of the targeted couple is difficult, and entails a lot of risk. At the same time, being all weepy about it afterwards and appealing to the idea of ‘loving’ everybody is pollyann-ish, and will do nothing to weaken the White Power 2.0 movement.
Man. With an attitude like that, I bet Dave Roberts would be a fucking terrible designated driver.
Oh, I don’t know if they’re fucking it up as much as they are keeping it pure to the ideals of overly-sentimental speeches about summer, or the diamond shape, or how it helped the nation through troubled times and all that other saccharine glurge. Who needs punk kids and their beep-boop-beeping on their wireless…
Kudos to him, for manufacturing the strawiest of straw men. What better way to quietly deflate the issue than to scream ‘HEY GUYS! KNOW ALL THAT STUFF YOU’VE BEEN WONDERING ABOUT ABOUT ME FOR SO LONG??! WELL IT’S TOTES TRUE, MAN! ASK ME ANYTHING ABOUT IT, SO LONG AS WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THIS OTHER THING, M’KAY?’
I play, and pretty much all I play is single-player, linear or not. And, well, you know.....nobody at EA got my, y’know.....feedback.
Damn. I coulda sworn all those ‘thoughts and prayers’ would’ve covered this sort of thing. Maybe they should add some ‘prayers going up’?
So it’s essentially the comments section of any given site, then? Such as this fine example? Awesome! It’s like a bootleg copy of an old ‘album’ that was nothing more than somebody taping the songs off the radio.
I appreciate their efforts, but the tone of their live-action remake of ‘Titanic’ was missing the tone, scope, and plot of the original, and was WAY too realistic. I give it....2 murderous icebergs out of 5.
Yeah, I wouldn’t stress about the attention, either, if I had a Presidential administration and a sizable chunk of an entire political party on my own personal leash.
Naturally, because “racism isn’t a thing anymore! I’ve never had to deal with a single instance of it! Just stop acting like....(waves hands)....that, do what you’re told, and everything will be fine!”
I gotta think this is going to negatively impact that interview. Nothing says ‘you can trust me to handle the responsibility this job entails!’ like treating the kids like easily-ignored packages.
An investigation that could almost completely deconstruct the mechanism that is the only way the party in absolute power seized that power, with barely anybody in any position of any influence all that interested in pursuing it? Yeah, I’m not going to hold my breath for this one...