
But hey! Let’s all thank the Twins for doing their annual ‘Making the Wild Card game was great, but that’s about all the excitement we can take!’ routine! That was, as usual, a lot of fun for that one game. They’re practically the AL version of the Pirates (back when they gave a shit for that two or three year period).

And yet, he hasn’t done a fucking thing, because that’s how it goes with Donnie—everybody calls him names and expresses how stupid he is, but when it comes down to actually doing something, they all acquiesce and kiss the ring.

Donnie’s great on promises made in the spotlight, but his actual follow-through seems more than a bit lacking. He’s no better than that dickhead friend we all have who never repays us when we loan them money, always flakes out on moving day, and volunteers us for a project at work, but then never finishes their part

Just like any engineer worth their salt designing for when it fails, the Titans apparently believe in redundant mediocrity.

McDormand is, and always has been, an absolute badass, because she’s had the confidence in her talent to never try to be anything that wasn’t true to herself. She never had to, because she knew what she brought to the table was quite enough, thanks, and that confidence has always come through in her performances.

“yeah, well, that’s five more hours than Obummer would’ve spent!”, the closeted racist who hides their racism behind ‘comfortable’ terms and insists that Obama wasn’t a good President because he couldn’t get anything done because he was a ‘liberal wimp’ (code for ‘because he dared to be President while black, being

I’ve spent a long time (too long, really) working in the medical and mental health fields, so I get it, absolutely. I wonder, though, about that excessively frustrating middle ground where I find myself on a personal level, where you’re surrounded by people practically all the time, but have significant, mutual,

“...where the well-heeled guests have been doing double takes seeing him at breakfast on his own with his tattoos and baggy pants.”

I think I saw on the History Channel once that thing about Nostradamus, where he said something about the Anti-Christ or whatever coming from the east. I’m thinking what he meant was the eastern United States.

Well, it’s clear that Operation Cleveland Steamer is being kept on the QT for fear of spawning copycat crimes.

And, judging by his career, I’ll bet that sailboat is completely average, utterly forgettable, and could be replaced by practically any other sailboat without anyone saying anything except ‘Hey, where’s that one boat? The one with the one easily identifiable facet?’

It’s darkly amusing how the country that elevated ‘fascism’ to a concept that nearly everybody could understand is becoming more progressive, while over here, in one of the countries that fought against that fascism, we’re led by people who are falling in love with those very same concepts like horny high schoolers.

Yeah, well, he sent out a tweet this morning about how sad he was about that nightmare in Vegas, so the press will resume polishing his knob with the ‘presidential’ bullshit, his fans will bitch and whine about how everybody disrespects such a great man, and a few people of color will die because they don’t have any

Funny how the Yankees’ statement makes it sound like the expansion of the safety netting is akin to engineering the Large Hadron Collider, when they could’ve just said ‘look, it’s a pain in the ass and we’re trying to figure out if it’s worth the hassle’.

Oh, Richard, you poor, naïve, wonderful man! Fantasy football, combined with 24/7 coverage and social networking giving everyone a ‘voice’ only magnified the lack of empathy that was always there. Don’t pin it on legalized gambling; pin it on the uber-fan who insists that players owe them a perpetual debt.

It’s staggering to me, really, how, after decades of realizing how the effects of a nuclear exchange are considered so terrifying, it was almost inconceivable to think it would actually happen, we’ve gotten to the point where many of our fellow citizens are actually okay with the prospect, so long as we win, of

Jesus Christ. These things somehow keep getting worse. It’s unbelievable.

The docs are like the bastard offspring of ‘The Jungle’ and ‘A Season on the Brink’. If, you know, books could have....booklets, I guess?

Oh man...this is gonna put the Truminions in one hell of a bind—here’s a member of the military who speaks out against racism. That’s going to make the reflexive orgasm into their flag tissues a lot more confusing for them.