
@dumlaox: Single player. Actually I just went back and played it again and it's not as bad as I remember. I think that it could actually be fun if I gave it more of a chance. Weird how my opinion change after all these years.

Probably some Black Ops when I get some free time. Also, I've recently become addicted to a Bomberman clone for the Genesis called just Bomber that I've been playing every chance I get.

I know this game has a huge cult following so I'll probably get flamed for this, but I never really liked this game. I remember that EGM gave it great reviews and really hyped it up so I rented it, but it just seemed so meh.

@SageofMusic: Except for of course the Playstation Store logo, the Playstation App, Playstation games, and being part of the Playstation Suite ecosystem. Yeah, the phone really doesn't have anything to do with Playstation.

I don't care about extras physical or virtual. All I care about is the actual game. I never by special editions at all. All they are is a way for companies to milk more money out of consumers and the physical extras are just junk. Seriously, I would have to become a hoarder or rent out a storage facility to store all

Wow. This is diabolical. This means that networks are being driven to make shows that only appeal to people that don't have DVR's and aren't technologically savvy enough to use Netflix, Hulu, torrents, etc. No wonder network TV is so horrible.

Most of the time I have a pretty negative opinion of achievements, but there are sometimes that I like them. I like getting achievements when I'm not trying or expecting them. Like when they just pop up out of nowhere for just playing the game normally. That's pretty cool. What I don't like are achievements where you

Another point for disagreement. Some people will play games just for achievements, even if they dislike the game, so no.

I disagree. I don't even like achievements. I actually wish there was a way to completely disable them for your profile. Most of my favorite games of all time didn't have achievements. Does that mean I didn't like them? No. Also, even current gen games achievements mean nothing to me. I enjoy CoD games, but I only

I like the suggested games included but I think that they should all be remade with enhanced graphics, giving all the 2D games 2.5D and enhancing the textures on the N64 games.

It would be hilarious if MS added this feature and it was free to everybody, not just paying subscribers.

I bought my 6 year old niece a portable Sega Genesis Gopher that has an SD slot that you can load games onto. It was only $40 and she loves it. I figured that would be a perfect starter system to hold her over until she's old enough to take care of and appreciate a more advanced system.

Totally agree. Dual thumbsticks was the first thing that I thought of when I saw the title. Only giving the original PSP 1 nub was the worst mistake they made on that system. It's actually kind of exciting that in a world where people tout motion controls and touch screens as the future of game controls, that at least

@EnigmaNemesis: That's probably the best choice. From what I've heard from people that have tried, it's almost impossible to play online games over 3G because the latency is so high. 4G is better for that. Maybe later models will get upgraded to 4G and then it might be worth it.

It looks like a time lapse photo taken from a levitating camera as the earth rotated under it.

@campbell000: No wonder you're against dual analog control. Your avatar is the N64 logo.

@imsh_pl: Please don't. I'm not ready to start a whole new console generation. Maybe in 2015.