
It stinks when other games are more popular than the ones you like, doesn't it?

I can't believe it made me choose between Super Mario Bros. 3 and the original Metroid. Why not just ask me which of my kids I like best?(Disclaimer: I don't have any kids)

You didn't mention Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty: WaW, Halo ODST, Halo Wars, and Rock Band, Tony Hawk 1-4, Tony Hawk Underground, Tony Hawk: AW, and Tony Hawk Project 8. Fail.

Hey, why doesn't that mock-up contain a Wii version? Hahahaha, LOL. Just kidding, guys. Sorry. I couldn't help myself.

I know that 3 isn't the best. 2 is still my favorite, but it seems like the multiplayer went downhill from there with each new game. I'm hoping that 343 Industries can get the series back on track and get back to basics when they finally announce their new game.

Reach's multiplayer just seemed so monotonous. There was just no variety. Every game seemed to turn into a BR battle.

Probably won't be getting it. I got Reach mainly for the campaign and never really go into the multiplayer. I'm sticking with Halo 3 for that. I would still be playing Halo 2 if they wouldn't have taken that offline.

Back in my day we walked to school uphill both ways in the snow, AND WE LIKED IT!!!!

How much are KZ map packs?

Actually, it wasn't that bad. I never owned a Jaguar, but I tried one out in store, and it was fairly responsive and comfortable. I don't even remember the keypad getting in the way. It was kind of ahead of it's time, considering the chat pad add ons for the 360 and PS3. Now the console itself, that was a major

Ok. If that makes you feel better, then go for it.

You left out your usual tagline:

Looks nice. Now just bring it to Sprint and we're all good.

What an ignorant comment. You do know that people like you were saying that the home console market was dead after the crash in 1983, don't you? Then look what happened.

Personally I haven't seen many great games on iPhone that I would want to play. Plus, the few good games that it does have, you still have play with crappy touchscreen controls. I would much rather have the XP for real game controls. Also, your comparison really isn't that fair. You're comparing launch games on this

I think you're missing the point. It doesn't matter what you call it. It's an advanced smartphone with real game controls. Can you not see the potential? I can. Currently I do not carry any portable game systems with me. I game on the go with my smart phone. It has a physical keyboard, which is ok for controls. Much

What do you mean this does what the iPhone has been doing for years? Do you think that the Android platform had no games before this phone? Personally I would rather have real controls than better graphics, but that's just my opinion. Also, these are just launch games. The graphics will probably improve as time goes

Seriously? Do you always have to sound like a douche bag fanboy?

Hopefully this will come to Sprint soon. At least it's CDMA so that it would be easy to port. It really needs to be on all major carriers for maximum effect.

Depends. Do you want real game controls or not?